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Movement | Battle | Beaming/Away Teams | Cloaking | Miscellaneous Questions



Q: TRACTOR BEAMS -- If I have a cloaked ship in orbit with any empty ship in orbit can I still play a Ship Seizure, or would the ship have to be decloaked to use its tractor beams as the card requires?

A: It would have to decloak to use its tractor beam.

Q: HIDING YOUR CLOAKED SHIPS BY SHUFFLING --If two or more cloaked ships begin or end their turn at the same location, can the owner shuffle the cloaked ships around a bit so to make it less clear which ship is which? For example, two Klingon ships are docked at the Klingon Outpost. They both are cloak. The owner mixes the face down ship cards so as to not allow his/her opponent to know exactly which ship is which.

A: There is nothing against this in the rules, so it seems reasonable and would add some extra "hidden factor" to the cloaking. However, it should be restricted by friendly agreement of the players only to the beginning or ending of the moves for those ships, because the opponent has the right to inspect a cloaked ship being moved (as discussed on page 30 of the rules), in order to verify its movement range ability. This would allow him to "track" your ships to some extent, but shuffling them when two are together would add some confusion for him. Of course, personnel and other items remain on the same ships.

Q: EVENTS/INTERRUPTS -- Can Events and Interrupts be played on a cloaked ship? i.e. Scans, Plasma Fire, etc.

A: Generally speaking, these cards CAN be played on a cloaked ship, *as long as the card is logically independent of cloaking ability.* Most Events and Interrupts are "acts of nature" or "accidental encounters" of some sort that happen to the ship independently of cloaking ability, not something invoked by the opponent. For example, a Plasma Fire can happen aboard a ship whether it is cloaked or not, and thus this card can be played on a cloaked ship. Other examples are Temporal Rift, Wormholes, etc. However, Event or Interrupt cards which represent the actions of the opponent that would logically be "frustrated" by cloaking should not be playable on a cloaked ship. For example, a Scan card doesn't make sense to play since a cloaked ship cannot be scanned, by definition. Your opponent initiates a scan, it is not a natural phenomenon. This distinction is usually obvious from the card.

Q: CLOAKING/UNCLOAKING -- Can you cloak and uncloak (or vice versa) both in the span of one round?

A: No. You can only do one per turn for each ship. See page 30 of the rulebook.

Q: OUTPOSTS -- Can a ship enter play at an Outpost already cloaked?

A: A ship can't be put into play at the outpost already cloaked, because there is nobody aboard to push the cloak button! What you can do, however, is dock the ship at the Outpost normally, immediately move everyone aboard, and then cloak the ship. This has almost the same effect.

Q: STAFFING -- Can a ship cloak or uncloak with no one aboard?

A: You need someone aboard to change the "cloaking status". Perhaps a card may be added in the future to allow you to do this remotely (i.e. from an Away Team).

Q: LA FORGE MANEUVER -- This card says "It [the cloaked ship is vulnerable (as if it were decloaked) if the next action is an attack against that ship." Do you have to be the one doing the attacking? For instance, could you "decloak" it so the Borg Ship could attack?

A: Yes :)


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