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General Federation Klingon Romulan Non-Aligned Dual-Affiliated
Holograms, Exocomps, and Androids



Q: CAPITALIZED SKILLS: What are the Capitalized skills on the Personnel cards, like ENGINEER?

A: See page 29. Some "classifications" like SCIENCE, MEDICAL, etc. can appear in a character's skill box, if the character has special professional-level skills in that area as well as in his normal classification. An Engineer with ENGINEER also listed in his skill box (like Geordi LaForge) is essentially a "super-Engineer" (or "double-Engineer"), and would count as Engineer x2. A Scientist who also has MEDICAL listed as a skill (like Vekor) essentially counts as both. All of this is a way of more accurately reflecting the abilities of those characters who are especially skillful in one area or skillful in more than one area, like Data and Geordi.

1) Can an AU person and a "real" person exist at the same time (ie, Beverly Picard & Beverly Crusher)?
2) So, is an AU person considered "different" from his real counterpart? What if I used The Mask of Korgano on Jean-Luc Picard? Could I play another Jean-Luc Picard?
  1. Yes. By the Colon Rule (Section 1.3), you have two completely different personnel out. In fact, this happened in the series, when Alexander and K'mtar existed in the same timeline.
  2. No. Again, the Colon Rule forbids you from doing this.



Q: MOT THE BARBER: What about cards that seem to have no use, like Mot the Barber?

A: Wait and see ;-)

Q: PAUL RICE: See "Personnel -- Holograms, Exocomps, and Androids", below.

1) What does "Armed with Starfleet Type II Phaser" mean?
2) If she runs into a dilemma or interrupt that says "Discard one Equipment", how would that affect her?
  1. It means that she and other Fed personnel present with her get the usual +2 bonus as if there was a Type II phaser card present.
  2. She is not affected by such a card. Cards like the Disruptor Overload say they destroy one "equipment card", and this doesn't fit her category.

Q: T'PAN: Shouldn't she have Mindmeld? All other Vulcans do.

A: Yes. This is a misprint that was corrected in the Beta printing of the cards. All versions of T'Pan should be assumed to have Mindmeld.



Q: FEDERATION KLINGONS and PARTIAL KLINGONS: Can Federation Klingons benefit from special Klingon-oriented cards like Right of Vengeance, Death Yell, or Targ? Can a character who is only 1/2 Klingon get benefit?

A: Yes. They have "Klingon blood in their veins" too. For example, in TNG, Worf had a pet Targ and he did the Klingon Death Yell at least twice.

1) Do you have to have a treaty in play for K'mtar to get the +5?
2) Do I get the benefit if it is my opponent's Alexander?
3) Who gets the +5, K'mtar or Alexander?
  1. Yes, you're going to need a treaty in play to get the +5 benefit.
  2. No, it must be your Alexander.
  3. K'mtar gets the +5.

1) ANIMAL isn't a new classification required by the Kurlan Naiskos, is it?
2) Is the +1 bonus accumulative with multiple targs?
3) Can the strength bonus from Targs be used to provide the strength required to open the Malfunctioning Door?
4) Is the Targ affected by cards such as the Male's Love Interest or Jamaharon?
5) What about Parallel Romance? This is supposed to be a family game!
6) Can a Targ be captured and interrogated?
  1. No. Just the original seven "basic" classifications are required by the Kurlan Naiskos (since it does say seven specifically), but we might consider the alternative at a later time.
  2. Yes, except that it doesn't apply to the other Targs, just to the non-targ Klingons. For example, if you had Kurn and Duras together with three Targs, both Kurn and Duras would be Strength +3.
  3. All cards which modify Strength do have their affect on this requirement of Strength >27 in four away team members. If you use the Targ bonus here, the Targ doesn't have to be one of the four personnel involved in lifting the door.
  4. Yes. The Love Interest cards are considered to be generic to whatever they affect. If it's affecting a Vulcan, the love interest is a Vulcan. If it's affecting a Targ, the love interest is another Targ. The Targ is susceptible to all dilemmas, same as any other personnel.
  5. the event that a Targ should be hit by a Parallel Romance, with, say Dr. Crusher, we prefer to interpret that the two develop a stong bond with each other, and that Dr. Crusher takes the time out to care for and feed the Targ. She certainly can "love" the Targ, just like you or I might "love" our pet! ;-)
  6. Yes. In that case, you may answer, "How many lights?" by stomping with your hooves. :-)

Q: TORAL: What's the deal with Toral's "1/2 Leadership" skill?

A: Toral was a young and honorless illegitimate son of Duras who tried to become Leader of the Klingon High Council and failed, so we gave him only 1/2 Leadership. His weak Leadership IS sufficient to count as being a Leader for a battle, but it is NOT sufficient for the Leadership requirement listed on a Mission or Dilemma card -- you must have full leadership skill for those. If you ever get him together with somebody else with 1/2 leadership (Mindmeld, anyone?), you'll have 1 full Leadership!



Q: D'TAN: His card says "Where present, all Romulans without Treachery are INTEGRITY +1." Does that include D'Tan himself?

A: Yes. Essentially, he has an Integrity of 8.



1) What precisely does it mean on the Ajur and Boratus cards when it says, "Once per game, if alone with Archaeology on a planet, may destroy all but 3 seed cards there (random selection)."? How is the "random selection" carried out in this case?
2) If I use Ajur's special skill and then Ajur dies, can I Res-Q her and re-use her ability?
  1. It means that if Ajur (for example) is in an away team with any personnel who has archaeology skill (and no one else) on a planet, Ajur can destroy all but 3 seed cards there. This can only be done once per game for each of them. Note that by "seed cards" here we mean the dilemmas and artifacts and such cards which are placed under the mission, and we do not mean the mission itself or any outposts there (even though they are also "seed cards"). We should have used a different term than "seed cards", but space was at a premium on the card. Also remember that you do not have to be attempting a mission to be on the surface of a planet. Since players are supposed to seed their cards facing toward them under the missions (in order to be able to retrieve them at the end of the game), the random selection should be done carefully. Of course, this is a nice tactic against someone who has placed a lot of seed cards under one location. They probably have some devious plan there, or are stocking it with lots of artifacts. Ajur or Boratus can thus disrupt their plans.
  2. No. Each player may use the ability of only one Ajur or one Boratus per game. You could use both Ajur and Boratus once per game, and your opponent could do the same.

Q: DATHON: What are the Tamarian related dilemmas?

A: Shaka, When the Walls Fell and El-Adrel Creature.

1) Does Mickey D. win Royale games if he's in the away team or in a player's hand, or both?
2) What happens if both players have a Mickey D. there?
  1. He automatically wins the game for you if he is in the away team present at the mission.
  2. If both players have a Mickey D. there, the two cancel each other and the game plays out as usual.



1) How do you indicate which "mode" you want your dual-affiliation personnel to be in?
2) Can you "switch modes" in the middle of a mission attempt?
3) Can you switch affiliations in response to an Interrupt?
  1. Simply tell your opponent which affiliation the dual- affiliation personnel is using when you first deploy it, and then tell the opponent each time you wish to switch its affiliation. This change is "at the speed of an interrupt."
    Note that, whatever mode it is in, the dual-affiliation personnel behaves like a normal personnel of the affiliation you have selected. If you are using Stefan DeSeve as Romulan, he cannot go aboard a Federation ship or "mix" with Federation personnel (i.e. in an away team) unless you have a treaty (or unless you switch him to Federation first).
  2. When attempting a mission in which a dual-affiliation personnel is taking part, you cannot switch "modes" during the attempt. The affiliation should be clear before attempting the mission, and the D-A personnel is committed to stay in the same mode. This is because, the attempt of a mission is considered to be continuous, and you are not allowed to abort the mission or perform any other actions during the mission (except as described in "Missions").
  3. Switching the affiliation of a Dual Affiliation personnel as being a game "action." For example, if Major Rakal is currently Romulan and the opponent plays an Interrupt on her which she could nullify if she was in Federation mode, it is not possible to first switch her and then nullify the Interrupt. Individual actions are played out in sequence, and in that case her "switch" would occur after the interrupt resolves.



Q: DILEMMAS: How are Data, Exocomps and Holo's affected by dilemmas?

A: Usually, the same way as anything else. This is a broad question, open to many rulings and interpretations. I've heard several reasons why Data should be affected by this, and Holo's shouldn't be affected by that, and so on. Admittedly, some do make sense. But the last thing we want to do is list every dilemma and list why or why not they affect something. Most of the "guesstimations" we make would be based on what "might have" happened on the show if Data would have been exposed to virus X. First off, nobody knows what would have happend to Data in that situation, so it's open to much debate. Also, we want to rely as little as possible on the show itself to provide rulings so that people who don't know every episode backwards and forwards can still know if a dilemma works on an android. What follows are some general rules for applying dilemmas to artificial life forms (Holo's, Exocomps and Androids):

  1. They can be "infected" and "killed" by diseases. This keeps them consistent with normal personnel. There is some precedent for this in the show -- Data was infected by the Tsiolkovsky Infection, for instance. We don't know what effect the Tarellian Plague might have had on him, but, to stay consistent, we'll assume it could have killed him.

  2. They are NOT affected by dilemmas that affect aging or their species as a whole. Examples of this would be Hyper-Aging, Rascals, and Barclay's Protomorphosis Disease.

  3. They CAN trigger Alien Parasites or Coalescent Organism and carry them back to the ship. This is also a consistency ruling, but one might theorize that they carry a "soil sample" back to the ship that contains the infectious organisms.

  4. Holographic personnel are treated slightly different in regards to being killed. As per the rules, if "killed," they are merely de-activated and returned to the ship to be activated on your next turn. If separated from the ship or the planet the ship is orbiting (assuming Holo-Projectors are in play), the Holo is also de-activated and returned to the ship. Dilemmas that could "separate" the ship from the Holo include Love Interests and Cardassian Trap.

Other than these rules, Holographic personnel, Exocomps, and Androids should be treated exactly like normal personnel with regards to dilemmas.

Q: VULCAN MINDMELD: Can I Mindmeld with Soong- type Androids, Exocomps or Holograms?

A: Yes to Data and Exocomps (however, mindmelding with an Exocomps will be met with mixed results -- see "Interrupts -- Vulcan Mindmeld"). They have a mind and if Spock could mindmeld with the Horta (a silicon creature), it makes sense he can mindmeld with an android if it has a mind. No to Holograms. This is debatable, and our rules committee debated it at length, especially since there have been some episodes that hint this might be possible. However, the current ruling on this is that it isn't possible, since they don't have a physical mind to meld with. We may make exceptions for "advanced" self-aware holograms in future sets, like Moriarity or Minuet.

Q: HOLOGRAPHIC STAFF: Can holographic Personnel staff a ship alone (assuming they meet the ship's staffing requirements)?

A: Yes.

Q: LONE HOLOGRAPHIC PERSONNEL : Can holographic Personnel beam themselves to a planet, without a normal person on board to "push the button"?

A: Yes, assuming you have Holo-Projectors in play.

Q: HOLOGRAPHIC RED SHIRTS: Since they are only deactivated if killed, can they be used as "red shirts?"

A: Yes, they can be used this way, (although future cards will be affecting this type of use). If this seems unbalanced to you, consider the following.

a) They can still be "stopped" and affected in other ways by dilemmas than just being "killed." There are more to dilemmas than just killing things! Most dilemmas affect holographic personnel the same way as normal personnel (see above).
b) This advantage isn't necessarily that strong if you take it into account when stocking your dilemmas. For example, Alien Parasites are a killer against Red-shirts!
c) The holographic cards are only just "introduced" in the initial set of 363 cards. There will be a lot more cards introduced in the coming expansion sets that "deepen" holographic stuff in many ways, including their vulnerabilities and strengths and new uses. Making a rule against red shirting here would just put unnecessry limitations on the cool stuff we can do with them in the future.
d) At the current time, this feature of Holographic Personnel is one of their advantages -- remember, you have to have extra cards in play (Holo-Projectors, etc.) to even use them, so they have to have some strengths!
e) using them as a red shirt has the same risks of any red shirt, because they can "unleash" Dilemmas that a normal away team could have overcome.

Q: HOLO-PROJECTION FROM AN OUTPOST: Can Holo- Projectors be used to project Holgraphic Characters to a planet in an Away Team from an Outpost (where no ships are present)?

A: The Holo-Projector card says, "Plays on table. This technology allows your holographic re-creations to be projected and used on any of your ships or Away Teams. (Immune to Kevin Uxbridge)." Thus, it doesn't work on an Outpost (which are not ships), but will work on a holographic personnel projected onto a planet in an Away Team from an Outpost.

Q: ROGUE BORG vs. HOLOGRAPHIC PERSONNEL: Rogue Borg are used to battle a ship's crew. If one of this crew is a Holographic Personnel, when "killed" in battle he is deactivated (to the ship) and can be reactivated next turn. Does this mean that the Rogue Borg will never be able to take the ship since holographic characters can not be killed and will fight an endless battle?

A: Rogue Borg attack "at the start of every turn." That means the start of both your turn and the opponent's turn. When one of the holographic personnel is "killed" (deactivated), it will not have time to be reactivated before the next attack. When all the normal crew are killed and nothing but deactivated Holographic Personnel remain aboard, it makes sense that the Rogue Borg would simply "turn them off" (discard them). Note that in this scenario, if there are still normal personnel aboard fighting for the ship the Holographic Personnel might have time to be re-activated a few times and rejoin the fight. For example, it's your turn. Your ship has three normal and one holographic personnel aboard. Opponent attacks with 6 Rogue Borg. Result: one personnel killed, random selection; your holographic personnel is selected to be killed (deactivated). His turn, at the start, the battle continues against your normal personnel (the holographic personnel is still deactivated). One of your normal personnel is killed (two left). Your turn again -- your holographic personnel is still not yet activated when the battle begins at the very start of your turn. Result: one of your normal personnel is killed (one left) -- but now it is still your turn and your holographic personnel reactivates, rejoining the battle with your remaining normal personnel, etc.

1) Can I have a ship staffed entirely by Paul Rices?
2) Does Paul Rice destroy one of your own Echo Papas where present?
3) Does he nullify one Echo Papa per game or per turn?
  1. Yes you can have a ship entirely populated with Paul Rices.
  2. Paul Rice does not nullify your own Echo Papas.
  3. Once per turn, Paul nullifies one Echo Papa present.

Q: THINE OWN SELF: How does "Thine Own Self" affect Holograms? Are they considered captured, or are they deactivated?

A: While the ship controlling them is still at that location, they are treated as a normal character by Thine Own Self. If the ship leaves, however, they would deactivate similar to what happens when a Love Interest card affects a Holo Personnel.

Q: FEK'LHR: Can he be played on a Federation ship with a holodeck?

A: Despite being a holocharacter, Fek'lhr is a Klingon personnel. Klingons normally won't travel on Federation ships due to a mismatch of affiliations (see page 3 of the Rulebook), so normally he can't be used on a Federation ship. (Even though any holodeck can theoretically create anything, unless there is a treaty in place the Federation doesn't have a program for Fek'lhr to use.) However, if a Federation/Klingon Treaty is in effect, then each affiliation's holocharacter programs are shared just like everything else, and thus Fek'lhr could be used on a Federation holodeck under Treaty.

Q: LOVE INTERESTS: Is Data affected by the Male's Love Interest dilemma? What cards are NOT affected by Male/Female love interest?

A: Only Personnel which are "asexual" (without gender) are not affected by the Love Interest dilemmas. This includes mainly Exocomps, but also Soren (who is androgynous, although she did show some female feelings, but these were suppressed) etc. This immunity is one nice advantage of such characters. Data, even though he is an android, is considered to be a male, and thus susceptible to the Male's Love Interest. He is described in the series as a "fully functional" male, as Tasha Yar can attest! He is therefore a male in terms of the gameplay, as befits his character. He's even had more girlfriends than Geordi! In general, Personnel have the sex you expect they have and are affected by the opposite sex dilemma cards (as well as other sex-specific cards including the Matriarchal Society card, etc.). Exceptions are Personnel who are clearly asexual, such as in the case of the Exocomps and Soren.

Q: EXOCOMPS AND ANDROIDS: Are Exocomps "androids" too? If so, can they be used to counter the Ktarian Game dilemma?

A: No. They are sentient artificial life-forms, but not androids (which are human in appearance and abilities). Exocomps have unique abilities of their own, but don't double as androids.

Q: EXOCOMP REPAIRS ON A MOVING SHIP: Can an Exocomp repair a moving ship?

A: Yes

Q: EXOCOMPS CUMULATIVE?: Will two Exocomps aboard a ship repair it twice as fast as one, allowing you to completely repair a damaged ship on your next turn? If so, it seems the ship would be invulnerable to attack (unless of course the attacker doubles the shield strength and destroys it outright).

A: No. The card says, "If aboard ship, can repair damage in two of your full turns, without returning to outpost." By referencing "full turns" (see "Definitions") the card does not work well as cumulative. If you had two, it would take one full turn; but if you had three it would take how long -- a fraction of a full turn? We could say it is cumulative up to 2, but that seems artificial, especially since in the show in which they were featured there were three of them.


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