STAR TREK CUSTOMIZABLE CARD GAME CURRENT RULINGS 02/13/98 Current Rulings are periodic updates to the FAQ, including rules changes, clarifications and situations not addressed in the rulebook, supplements or FAQ. Current Rulings are the official supplement to the FAQ and should be used by tournament directors in making tournament rulings. Answers given by official Decipher representatives are not official until included in the FAQ or in a Current Rulings document. Such answers are highly recommended for use by tournament directors, but the TD always has the final authority on rulings. NOTE: Borg drones are listed by their designations (e.g., Interlink Drone, not Nine of Eleven). Text in square brackets represents an icon. Most icon designations are listed below. LEGEND [AU] Alternate Universe [BO] Borg use only [Borg] Borg affiliation [C] Command [CD] Optical Compact Disk [Com] Communication subcommand (blue icon) [D] Delta Quadrant [Def] Defense subcommand (red icon) [EE] U.S.S. Enterprise-E [Fed] Federation affiliation [H] Holographic re-creation [HA] Hidden Agenda [Klg] Klingon affiliation [NA] Non-Aligned [Nav] Navigation subcommand (green icon) [Nem] Nemesis [P] Planet [Rom] Romulan affiliation [S] Space [S/P] Space/Planet [SD] Special download [ST] Staff [univ] Universal {3} Countdown box [35] Point box SIGNIFICANT RULES CHANGES TO NOTE Several earlier rulings have been changed to enhance gameplay. For details, see the following listings: BRAINWASH: Now removes all affiliation-based restrictions. DUAL-ICON MISSIONS: Planet dilemmas are not removed during space-location scouting by Borg. EQUIPMENT CARDS, AFFILIATION-SPECIFIC: Affiliation-specific equipment may not be reported for duty or used by other affiliations in any way. HOLOGRAPHIC PERSONNEL: May not be projected via Holo-projectors to an Away Team from an outpost. Holo-Projectors allows projection only from a ship. LANDED SHIPS: May not be targeted by cards that do not specifically target a landed ship. MATCHING COMMANDERS: Tomalak is the matching commander for the universal D'deridex. (Complete current list of matching commanders included.) MISSION ATTEMPTS FROM OUTPOSTS: Space missions may not be attempted from outposts. A crew on a ship is now required. PROCUREMENT DRONE: Equipment this drone "steals" may be used regardless of affiliation restrictions. READY ROOM DOOR: A Captain's Order event just downloaded may be nullified before it can be protected by Ready Room Door. SHIP REPAIRS: Non-aligned ships may be repaired at affiliated outposts. SHIP SPECIAL EQUIPMENT: "Special equipment" includes only ship systems expressed in a short phrase, not full-sentence game text. SELECTING SKILLS: Selected skills may include any classification except ANIMAL, and any regular skill found in the game. SOONG-TYPE ANDROID: May not be given ANIMAL classification. May be neuter gender. ADAPT: NEGATE OBSTRUCTION A dilemma may be nullified by this interrupt *only* just after that dilemma is revealed in a Borg Scouting attempt. See Encountered. ALIEN PARASITES When you control your opponent's ship and crew with this dilemma, you may use only "legal moves"--e.g., they must still obey affiliation attack restrictions, may attempt only missions of appropriate affiliation, must obey Borg restrictions, etc. If a Borg scout encounters Alien Parasites without INTEGRITY>32, the opponent may beam the scout back to the ship, and move the ship along the spaceline. He must follow all Borg Away Team restrictions (i.e., he may not beam Borg off the ship, except when counter-attacking or when allowed by the controlling player's current objective or by another card such as Emergency Transporter Armbands). If the opponent is not playing Borg, he may not use the Borg to attempt a mission, because Borg don't attempt missions; or to scout--not even the mission where the Parasites were encountered--because he has no current objective to allow it. He may not initiate battle. If the opponent *is* also playing Borg, he could use the controlled Borg to scout for his own current objective. If a non-Borg ship and crew are controlled by a Borg player, the Borg player may use them exactly like any non-Borg ship and crew controlled by Alien Parasites--they may attempt missions, beam personnel off, etc. They may not mix with the Borg player's Borg personnel. If they complete a mission, neither player may score the mission points. In all cases, when the opponent is done controlling the ship, the dilemma is replaced under the mission to be encountered on the next mission or scouting attempt. The Borg may nullify the dilemma on a second encounter with Adapt: Negate Obstruction. ASSIGN MISSION SPECIALISTS Although this objective may be seeded, it does not have a Hidden Agenda icon and may not be seeded face down. The two mission specialists are downloaded immediately upon seeding of this card, during the seed phase, so you must seed it after you have seeded an outpost. The mission specialists are not seed cards, however, but come from your draw deck or Q's Tent. BLACK HOLE When a ship in a Temporal Rift (or Time Travel Pod) is located at a spaceline location that is pulled into a Black Hole, the ship is not immediately discarded, because the ship is time traveling and thus not really at that location; we just leave the card there to indicate where it will eventually return. Move the ship to the Black Hole location itself until it reappears "on schedule," at the end of a turn. Note, however, if you nullify the Temporal Rift with an Alternate Universe Door before the time it would be pulled in, you may move the ship away before the end of the turn and escape destruction. This doorway may currently only be played between two of the missions named [univ] Space. It does not refer to universal space-location missions, such as [univ] Patrol Neutral Zone. BORG-AFFILIATION SHIPS, INTERACTION WITH OTHER CARDS The First Contact rules supplement indicates how various cards interact with Borg affiliation ships. The net results of these rules are listed in the chart below: Card Affects Borg Affects Borg- Ship dilemma? affiliation ships? Plasma Fire NO NO Warp Core Breach NO NO Isabella NO NO Into The Breach NO NO Anti-Matter Spread (first function) NO YES (second function) YES NO Hugh YES NO BORG CUBE AND QUEEN'S BORG CUBE These ships are intended to allow reporting of Borg personnel and Borg Use Only equipment aboard. Other equipment must be reported at a Borg Outpost, played with Devidian Door, etc. BORG QUEEN The skill that the Borg Queen selects must be a regular skill, and may be shared through the Interlink Drone like any other regular skill in the hive. See Skills, Selecting. BORG SERVO The personnel assimilated by this dilemma remains on the ship or planet where he was assimilated, until the Borg player can beam him to his Borg ship. Like all Borg, the newly assimilated drone must obey normal attack and movement requirements. Thus, he cannot normally attack unless attacked first or allowed by a current objective. If on a ship, he may be used by the Borg player to scout the ship for Assimilate Starship on his turn, if that is his current objective. BRAINWASH This event removes *all* affiliation-based restrictions on using the Brainwashed personnel "as your own." Examples: 1. Not only will Galen work with the Federation if Brainwashed, he will work with a Brainwashed Federation personnel even if not Brainwashed himself. 2. The Borg may Brainwash a non-Borg captive. The Brainwashed captive is not assimilated and thus may not share skills with the Borg. He may not be used to scout (because he is not Borg), but may be used to attempt missions of his affiliation (though the Borg may not join him because they do not attempt missions). If the Brainwashed personnel solves a mission, the Borg player will not score the mission points. The Borg may use the captive's skills for purposes other than scouting. For example, if he had SCIENCE classification or skill, he could enhance SHIELDS with Metaphasic Shields in play; a Brainwashed android could prevent the ship from being relocated at Paxan "Wormhole." 3. Other affiliations may Brainwash a Borg captive. The Brainwashed Borg will work with that affiliation, but may not join mission attempts (because it is still Borg). However, the Brainwashed Borg may be used in other ways. For example, if it is an ENGINEER, it could facilitate carrying and launching shuttles with Engage Shuttle Operations; if it has Navigation skill, it could help deal with cards such as Tetryon Field and Anti-Matter Pod. Earlier online rulings removed the restrictions from the Brainwashed personnel only. This more liberal interpretation enhances the usefulness of Brainwash and extends its use to the Borg. CAPTAIN'S LOG See Matching Commanders. DUAL-ICON MISSIONS The Borg do not need both a crew and an Away Team to scout a dual-icon mission such as Tarchannen Study. They scout the space location *or* the planet, according to the current objective targeting the mission. The Borg may first scout the space location and complete an objective such as Establish Gateway, then target the planet itself for Assimilate Planet. The objectives may not be completed in reverse order, because Establish Gateway requires an unscouted location (while Assimilate Planet only requires that the planet not be already assimilated). When scouting the space location, the Borg encounter any space-only or space/planet dilemmas, and any Q-Flash seeded there. If a planet-only dilemma is turned over, it is moved to the back of the seed stack as for an artifact. Scouting is complete for the space objective when no space or space/planet dilemmas or Q-Flashes remain to be encountered. The remaining planet-only dilemmas will be encountered if and when the planet is scouted for Assimilate Planet. Any space-permissible artifacts (Cryosatellite, Magic Carpet Ride OCD) may be acquired by a Survey Drone upon completion of the space objective. Any planet artifacts may be acquired by the Survey Drone only after completion of Assimilate Planet. Picard's Artificial Heart would be acquired by its owner upon completion of scouting for any objective. E.M.H. PROGRAM Although this personnel may be downloaded to an outpost, he will be deactivated until taken aboard a ship with a holodeck (or any ship with Holo-Projectors in play). See Holographic Personnel. ENCOUNTERED Dilemmas are considered to be "encountered" (or "faced") only when they are just revealed in a scouting or mission attempt. Thus, dilemmas that enter play, such as Cytherians, the Borg Ship dilemma, and Coalescent Organism, are not considered "encountered" when they affect you later on the spaceline. ENTERPRISE-E ICON This staffing icon, found on most of the new bridge crew, may be used to staff only the Enterprise-E. It does not substitute for a Command or Staff star. This represents the fact the personnel were specifically trained for and assigned to this ship, and is important to the gameplay balance between the original and new versions of these personas. EQUIPMENT CARDS, AFFILIATION-SPECIFIC Affiliation-specific equipment is treated much like affiliated ships for reporting and use. If an equipment card is restricted to the use of a specific affiliation (e.g., PADDs), or an affiliation and non-aligned (e.g., disruptors), it may be reported only to that affiliation's outposts, or to Neutral or Non-aligned outposts, unless an appropriate treaty is in play. "Use" of affiliation-specific equipment includes carrying it in an Away Team or aboard a ship, using for its stated game text purposes (e.g., enhancing STRENGTH), and using it to overcome a dilemma (e.g., using a Disruptor to overcome Zaldan). EQUIPMENT CARDS, USE BY BORG Like all affiliations, the Borg may possess and carry equipment cards. However, they may report equipment for duty and use it only if they meet the requirements for its reporting and use. For example, the Borg may not report and use a Romulan Disruptor, because it is restricted to Romulan and non-aligned use only. Borg may not gain SCIENCE skill from a Tricorder, because they have no classifications, and a Tricorder only gives the skill to ENGINEER-classification personnel. But they could use the Tricorder to pass Alien Labyrinth. See Procurement Drone. FAR END OF SPACELINE, FARTHEST PLANET, ETC. See Ties, Who Chooses? HIDDEN AGENDA A Hidden Agenda card may not automatically be seeded. Only those Hidden Agenda cards which say that they are seedable may be seeded. See "Seeds or plays." HOLOGRAPHIC PERSONNEL Holographic personnel are reported normally to an outpost like any other personnel, but are deactivated while aboard the outpost. Conceptually, the Holo-Projectors event represents the installation of holodeck and holoemitter technology aboard all of your ships. Thus, it allows projection of holograms aboard ships, but not aboard outposts; and projection to Away Teams only *from* ships, and not from outposts. INTERLINK DRONE As indicated in the First Contact Rules Supplement, only *regular* (not special) skills are shared through this drone. All regular skills from each group of Borg at one location are shared by all Borg at that location, if there is a [Com] icon in each group. The skill-sharing is not limited to the [Com] Borg, or to their skills alone. LANDED SHIPS A landed ship may not attack or be attacked by a ship in orbit, and also may not attack or be attacked by an Away Team. A landed ship may not be targeted by any card that targets a ship, unless the card specifically allows it to target a landed ship. (Currently, no cards specifically allow this.) Thus, landed ships are immune to Temporal Rift, Loss of Orbital Stability, Wormholes, Warp Core Breach, Magic Carpet Ride OCD, Rogue Borg Mercenaries, etc. LAUNCHING SHIPS When you have game text in play that allows you to launch ships from other ships, it is implied that you can also recover such ships. For example, because Engage Shuttle Operations allows you to launch shuttlecraft (and also scout vessels if enhanced by a Launch Portal), it also allows you to re-load shuttles (and scouts) aboard your ships with Tractor Beam and ENGINEER. Likewise, Borg spheres can re-load aboard Borg cubes. MATCHING COMMANDERS For a personnel to be the matching commander of a ship, either the ship lore must name a personnel as its captain or commander, or the personnel card must state he/she was the captain or commander of a ship card. Earlier online rulings restricting these benefits to "specific" ships have been removed, in order to give players maximum creative flexibility in building their decks. Thus, Tomalak now is the matching commander of the universal D'deridex card (as well as the Decius). The current list of matching commanders follows. (P = defined by personnel lore, S = defined by ship lore) U.S.S. Bozeman: Morgan Bateson (S, P) U.S.S. Enterprise: Jean-Luc Picard [Premiere] (P); Admiral Picard (P) U.S.S. Enterprise-C: Rachel Garrett (S, P) U.S.S. Enterprise-E: Jean-Luc Picard [First Contact] (P) U.S.S. Pasteur: Beverly Picard (S, P) U.S.S. Phoenix: Benjamin Maxwell (S, P) U.S.S. Stargazer: Jean-Luc Picard [Premiere or First Contact] (S) U.S.S. Sutherland: Data [Premiere or First Contact] (S) I.K.C. Bortas: Gowron (S) * I.K.C. Chang: Governor Worf (S) I.K.C. Hegh'ta: Kurn (S) I.K.C. Maht-H'a: Nu'Daq (S, P) I.K.C. Pagh: Kargan (S, P) D'deridex: Tomalak (P) Decius: Tomalak (S) * Devoras: Mendak (S, P) Haakona: Taris (P) Khazara: Toreth (P) Terix: Sirol (S, P) Queen's Borg Cube: Borg Queen (S) Queen's Borg Sphere: Borg Queen (S) Gomtuu: Tam Elbrun (S) Mercenary Ship: Baran (S, P) Phoenix: Zefram Cochrane (S) Tama: Dathon (S) * Vulcan Lander: Solkar (S) * Three matching commander definitions need a bit of clarification: I.K.C. Bortas: "Gowron's flagship" means "flagship commanded by Gowron". Tama: "Dathon, speaking first" is Tamarian for "commanded by Dathon". Decius: The Decius was actually commanded by a Tomalak for whom no card currently exists (not Commander Tomalak). As a result, we have elected to give command to the original Tomalak. MIRROR IMAGE When this Hidden Agenda event is activated in response to the play of one of the target cards, the target card immediately takes effect for all players. For example, if Kivas Fajo - Collector is played and Mirror Image is immediately activated in response, both players must choose someone to draw 3 cards. If they both choose the *same* player, that player must draw 6 cards. MISSION ATTEMPTS FROM OUTPOSTS Missions may not be attempted directly from an outpost or station. Planet missions have always required an Away Team on the planet; now, space missions require a crew aboard a ship. (The ship need not meet staffing requirements, which only affect ship movement.) Conceptually, outposts and stations do not have all of the specialized equipment a ship would have for attempting missions, and an outpost or station cannot nimbly maneuver around a spatial anomaly, wrap a warp field around an errant moon, etc. There is now no question of whether a dilemma encountered at a mission where the outpost is located will have any effect; there will always be a ship involved in the mission attempt to "trigger" a ship-related dilemma. MISSIONS All players must still include 6 missions among their seed cards, even if playing Borg. MONTANA MISSILE COMPLEX The personnel and ships listed on this time location ("native to this timeline") may be reported only to the time location if it is in play (by either player). Even when using an unusual reporting mechanism such as Devidian Door, the personnel is still required to report to the time location. If the time location is not in play, they may be reported at any outpost as normal Alternate Universe personnel (with an open Alternate Universe Door). MOST CUNNING, STRONGEST, HIGHEST TOTAL ATTRIBUTES, ETC. See Ties, Who Chooses? NEAREST PLANET, ETC. See Ties, Who Chooses? NINE OF ELEVEN See Interlink Drone. ONE OF ELEVEN See Procurement Drone. OUTPOSTS Seeded outposts still count toward your maximum of 30 seed cards. The new rule that you are not required to seed or stock outposts in your deck simply eliminates the old requirement to have a minimum number of outposts (one for each affiliation you play) and the implied requirement to seed at least one. PERSONAS Two different personnel cards with exactly the same name are personas, such as Data (Premiere) and Data (First Contact). PROCUREMENT DRONE (ONE OF ELEVEN) The Procurement Drone may steal *any* equipment card for the Borg to use, regardless of that equipment's affiliation restrictions. READY ROOM DOOR When this doorway is used to download Assign Mission Specialists, the timing works as follows: Play Ready Room Door. Download and play Assign Mission Specialists (shuffle*). Download and report the two mission specialists (shuffle*). Assign Mission Specialists has now had its result. Ready Room Door has now had its result. (* Shuffling your draw deck is required if you look through it. However, because shuffling twice is usually redundant, you may skip the first one if you will be performing the second.) Dispose of the Ready Room Door in one of the three ways specified. If it is placed on top of the draw deck, this happens *after* all shuffling is over. When Ready Room Door is used to download, play and protect a Captain's Order event, the placing of the doorway to protect the event happens only *after* the opponent declines or fails to nullify that event. REGENERATE All discarded cards go to their owner's discard pile, including artifacts, dilemmas, Q-icon cards, missions discarded due to a Supernova or Black Hole, etc., and thus will be shuffled into the owner's draw deck when this event is played to replenish the deck. Because there is no valid way to play any of these seed cards from the hand (though dilemmas and one artifact may be reseeded at a Q's Planet), they may not be played in any way when drawn from the deck. They may be discarded only when a card allows you to discard (e.g., Ooby Dooby, Visit Cochrane Memorial, Static Warp Bubble). The Regenerate card itself is not shuffled into the deck, but instead is discarded after the deck regeneration. SCOUTING WITH MULTIPLE BORG The rules on beginning planet scouting by beaming down a single scout merely represent the normal situation. If you have multiple unstopped Borg on a planet by any legal means (Emergency Transporter Armbands, Near-Warp Transport, Iconian Gateway, left over from a counter-attack, etc.), they may be used together to scout the planet if it is targeted by a current objective, even if you have not previously begun scouting with a single Borg. The same rule applies to scouting a ship, if you have one or more Borg aboard a ship from Undetected Beam-In, left over from a counter-attack, etc. "SEEDS OR PLAYS" As stated in the First Contact Rules Supplement, cards with this phrase may be seeded during any part of the seed phase. Players alternate seeding cards as usual during each phase, regardless of whether they are seeding the normal cards for that phase (such as dilemmas during the dilemma seed phase) or a "seeds or plays" card. Not all cards with this phrase are seeded face down as Hidden Agendas. Cards which say "Seeds or plays" may seed face down *only* if they have a Hidden Agenda icon. SHIP REPAIRS The rulebook states, "A damaged ship can be repaired by returning to its outpost." Previously, "its outpost" was interpreted as an outpost of matching affiliation, so non-aligned ships could not be repaired without a Spacedock. We are adopting a more liberal interpretation. Your ships may now be repaired at any of your outposts of compatible affiliation (except the Neutral Outpost, which allows no repairs). If the ship is able to report for duty at an outpost, it may be repaired there. This includes non-aligned ships at any affiliated outpost, affiliated ships at a different affiliation's outpost with an appropriate treaty in play, and affiliated ships at a Non-aligned Outpost (should one ever exist). SHIP SPECIAL EQUIPMENT When a card refers to a ship's "special equipment," this means ship systems expressed as a phrase of just a few words. Special equipment currently includes Cloaking Device, Holodeck, Tractor Beam, Long-Range Scan Shielding, Particle Scattering Device and MEDICAL (on U.S.S. Pasteur). Other game text on the ship card, usually expressed as a complete sentence, is not considered special equipment. For example, the U.S.S. Stargazer's text, "Once each game, may be taken from discard pile to hand.", is not special equipment. SKILLS, SELECTING Most restrictions on selecting regular skills have been removed. When selecting skills for the Borg Queen, K'chiQ, Frame of Mind, etc., valid choices include any classification except ANIMAL and any regular skill that exists in the game. Currently, the following are all selectable as skills: CIVILIAN, ENGINEER, MEDICAL, OFFICER, SCIENCE, SECURITY, V.I.P., Anthropology, Acquisition, Archaeology, Astrophysics, Barbering, Biology, Cantankerousness, Computer Skill, Cybernetics, Diplomacy, Empathy, Exobiology, FCA, Geology, Greed, Honor, Klingon Intelligence, Leadership, Mindmeld, Miracle Worker, Music, Navigation, Obsidian Order, Physics, Stellar Cartography, Tal Shiar, Transporter Skill, Treachery, and Youth. SKILLS VS. RED DOT ICONS The number of skills possessed by a personnel is not necessarily the same as the number of [red dot] skill icons on the personnel card. Skills may be added or lost; some personnel, such as Major Rakal, have several skills preceded by only one dot; and [special download] skills have the triangular icon instead of the dot. When a card such as Assimilate Counterpart or Mandarin Bailiff refers to the number of [red dot] icons on a personnel, use the actual number of dots printed on the card. The only exceptions are for cards that have errata, which are official changes; for example, Tasha Yar - Alternate's special skill has been changed to mean [SD] Starfleet Type II Phaser, so she should be considered to have one less dot than the printed card shows. SOONG-TYPE ANDROID This personnel may not be given the classification of ANIMAL. It may be assigned the gender of "neuter," like Soren and Exocomp. TARCHANNEN STUDY See Dual-Icon Missions. TARELLIAN PLAGUE SHIP This dilemma has conditions of "Unless MEDICAL volunteers to permanently beam over (discarded)." If these conditions are met, the dilemma is overcome and the points are scored (unless playing Borg). Because these are *conditions*, this is not considered "choosing a point-related option" for the Borg; thus, the Borg are allowed to beam over a MEDICAL to overcome this dilemma. That MEDICAL skill may be a shared skill (through the Interlink Drone) if a [Com] Borg is beamed over. THE LINE MUST BE DRAWN HERE When this Hidden Agenda event is activated in response to the play of one of the target cards, the player of that target card loses 5 points, even if the target card is then nullified by a counter-card responding to it. THINE OWN SELF This interrupt may be played on Borg scouts, which are an Away team like any other. Since the Borg do not complete missions, the scout is not retrieved when the Borg complete their objective. TIES, WHO CHOOSES? When a dilemma specifies a superlative such as "strongest," "most CUNNING" or "highest total attributes" and there is a tie, the opponent of the player encountering the dilemma gets to choose. To determine such things as "nearest planet" and "far end of spaceline," compare the number of *cards* in each direction; if there is a tie, then compare the total *span* needed to go in each direction. If still a tie, the opponent chooses. TRANSWARP DRONE This personnel's special skill allows him to download one doorway or interrupt whose title includes "Transwarp", i.e., currently, Transwarp Network Gateway (doorway) or Transwarp Conduit (interrupt). It does not allow the download of any other interrupt. TWO OF NINETEEN See TransWarp Drone. TWO OF SEVENTEEN See Unity Drone. UNDETECTED BEAM-IN The drones downloaded by this dilemma remain on the ship, outpost or planet to which they were downloaded, until the Borg player can beam them to his Borg ship. Like all Borg, these drones must obey normal attack and movement requirements. Thus, they cannot normally attack unless attacked first or allowed by a current objective. If on a ship, they may be used by the Borg player to scout the ship for Assimilate Starship on his turn, if that is his current objective. Note that, because Rogue Borg play only on occupied ships, they may not be downloaded to a planet, outpost or unoccupied ship. UNITY DRONE Example: You have an Away Team on a planet consisting of three Borg: Bio-Med Drone [Com] CUNNING 5 Tactical Drone [Def] CUNNING 5 Talon Drone [Def] CUNNING 5 This Away Team alone has a total CUNNING of 15. You have a Borg ship at a neighboring spaceline location containing the following personnel: Astrogation Drone [Nav] CUNNING 7 Guard Drone [Def] CUNNING 5 Unity Drone [Com] CUNNING 5 This crew alone has a total CUNNING of 17. If you bring the ship to the planet location (in the same hive), the CUNNING of the ship's crew is added to the total CUNNING of the Away Team, giving the Away Team a total CUNNING of 32 when facing a dilemma. Likewise, the Away Team's CUNNING is added to that of the ship's crew, so the crew has an effective total CUNNING of 32. This has no effect on the CUNNING of each individual Borg. Now suppose that the Bio-Med Drone is killed. Because there is no longer a [Com] Borg on the planet, the Away Team now has a total CUNNING of only 10, and the ship's crew has a total CUNNING of only 17.