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By: Bill Martinson (

Husnock Outpost In a single moment of rage, Kevin Uxbridge eradicated the entire Husnock race. Left behind were the powerful Husnock ships, as well as a few surprises. One of those surprises, thanks to the craftsmanship of Decipher's award-winning art department, is the Husnock Outpost.

In a sealed-deck environment, the Husnock Outpost provides you a nice starting outpost capable of hosting whichever affiliation you decide to use. Much like a neutral outpost, this non-aligned outpost can be used by any one affiliation at a time (or more under a treaty). Don't worry over the fact that it seeds only at non-aligned locations, because you'll get just such a mission in your 20-card premium pack (and more are on the way in DS9...).

In regular play, the Husnock Outpost can provide you with a variety of strategies. Allowing you to seed a Husnock Ship face up during your seed phase means you'll have a ship ready to go right at the beginning of the game. Its shields of 40 provide extra protection from roaming Klingon attack armadas. When protecting ships, it only extends 25% of its shields, but 10 added to shields of your ships is never a bad thing. And finally, this is the first outpost that does *not* say "seed one," so you can seed as many of them as you like -- just keep in mind that you can't build them later in the game.

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