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Requests for 'official rulings' and the Glossary ... Major Rakal ... [2/16/99 09:58]
Lately I have been getting many requests for me to make an "official ruling" on a question, when the official ruling has already been made and is in the Rulebook, Glossary or Current Rulings. These documents are your official source of rulings. Please don't expect me to keep repeating rulings that I have already made, especially when others point out to you that the ruling is in the Glossary or CR. That's why I put it there--to answer the question permanently, so everyone can look it up and I don't have to keep answering it.

Bottom line: please *use* the Glossary and Current Rulings to answer your questions. I have enough questions to answer that have not already been officially defined. And if someone points you to a published ruling here on the BBS, either take his word for it or go look it up to satisfy yourself, because I'm not going to "verify" official rulings. If you have an opponent who won't accept the official rules documents, he's not going to accept "The Major said so on the BBS" either.

Jolan tru,

Major Rakal
(Kathy McCracken)

Star Trek CCG Intelligence Officer and Tal Shiar Agent

DECIPHER INC. The Art of Great Games (tm)
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