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Re: Question - We Are The Borg and Q's Tent ... Blair of Borg ... [3/ 2/99 21:28]
>Here's a question that came up in play in a game Saturday evening. My friend is playing the Borg and plays a "We Are The Borg" event out of his Q's Tent.
>The text on the event allows the option to "make an additional end-of-turn draw".
>The glossary states that "After you play this doorway (Q's Tent) from your hand, you may not draw any more cards for the remainder of the turn, by any means. This includes your normal end-of-turn card draw, Kivas Fajo—Collector, Masaka Transformations, and the card draws granted by the Traveler. Cards chosen from your deck by use of a Betazoid Gift Box are not “drawn.”
>My friend insists that since this is an "additional" end-of-turn draw, that the Q's Tent restrictions above don't apply, so he can draw once from the draw deck, and then from his Q's Tent. I disagree, 'cause once you draw a card, that's the end of your turn - and the Q's Tent limitation then prevents any further draw.
>Who's right here??

You are. "Draw no cards this turn" means that once a card that has this phrase on it has resolved, you may draw no further cards.


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