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Excellent analysis. Can I steal it? :-) (nt) ... Major Rakal ... [2/ 1/99 12:14]
>>Well in the below conversation regarding cloaked ships and Post Garrison said that the ships had to be de-cloaked to be able to post. That way the person knew there was opposition there and could not complete there mission or objective. So my question is: Why should a person not be able to complete Patrol Neutral Zone if there is a cloaked ship in there? As far as the Patroling ship is aware of, there are no ships in the neutral zone. It has walked up and down the Region and could find nothing that is opposing it. Therefore, in the captains mind, its mission is done, right? If there has been a ruling on this I have missied I am sorry.
>It's a bizarre situation. When trying to figure out what a ship can do while cloaked, you have to ask yourself whether or not it requires the ship to interract with the outside world or with cards that would require knowledge of the ships location. With Post Garrison, it partly requires your opponent to be able to see the garrisoning force. However, it also requires that the ships in the garrison be able to interract with them - even in game terms they can't fire WEAPONS while cloaked and that's something a ship in a garrison needs to be able to do. It's also a game balance thing. If you could simply have a couple of parked K'Vorts cloaked at each of my missions and Fair Play in play, you'd have locked me out of the game.
>Patrol Neutral Zone is a slightly different story. The mission conceptually requires you to make certain that no opposing ships are in the Neutral Zone. A cloaked ship in the Neutral Zone can still be detected as a subspace distortion or a large displacement of gas in those PNZ nebulas. In the captain's mind, the mission wouldn't be completed untill he was certain that there were no Romulans completely exploiting their cloaking techonology and that those distortions are just subspace phenomena.
>There have been rulings on this, but it's a section of the game where things get fuzzy. Traditionally, what you can and can't do with cloaked ships is the domain of arbitrary rulings and the last (I think) place where Trek sense applies. Often times, they contradict and the ruling wins out. Most of the time though, Trek sense applies. Probably the best rule of thumb is that if it is conceptually required that your ship do something 'active,' such as beam, dock, or fight (and Post Garrison is a situation that conceptually requires your ship to do a little shooting) you can't do it while decloaked. If your ship is doing something 'passive,' such as sitting in the Neutral Zone or normal movement, you can do it while cloaked. If the effect is purely internal, such as a Warp Core Breach, Plasma Fire, or an Autonomic Systems Parasite, it can be done to a cloaked ship. If it requires an external knowledge of the ship (Rogue Borg, Isabella, etc.) so that something can directly affect the ship, it can't be done to a cloaked ship. Finally, if it's a 'natural' phenomenon (Wormholes, Q-Nets Tetryon Fields, etc.) it will affect a cloaked ship.



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