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Re: Ketracel White and the Dominion. ... Qume ... [3/ 1/99 13:58]
>I'm fairly new to stccg, I've just been playing around with the new dominion expansion and I was wondering weather the dominion can 'stockpile' ketracel white on their ships? -e.g have more than one ketracel white on board to last longer.

There is no rule restricting the number of equipment cards at any particular location. You can have as much Ketracel-White on a ship as you want.

>Also re the vorta rationing does it mean only one jem'hadar present counts down or the vorta stops the whole lot counting down for one turn?

Vorta rationing means that only one KW counts down when you have Jem'Hadar and a Vorta present. If you do not have a Vorta, all KW cards at the same location count down. Check the Glossary whenever you have questions like this.

>Also is their any plans to bring out the new dominion battleship seen in st:ds9's episode 'Valient'? that would be cool.

Um, last time I talked to Warren Holland he said he wasn't sure.

By the way, the handle Weyoun is taken, so please change it. Thanks!


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