>1. Can I infiltrate at a Ferengi Trading Post (since it's Ferengi Affiliated)?
>2. Can I infiltrate my own DS9 with Kira Founder? Can I infiltrate my opponent's Nor with Lovok Founder if they have a treaty with the Romulans? What if they do not?
>Thanks for all your help,
The rules for infiltration state that you may report your infilitrators wherever your opponent's personnel of that affiliation may report. Since your opponent's Bajorans can report to your DS9, you can infiltrate your own DS9 with the Kira Founder. If your opponent has a Romulan/Cardassian Treaty in play, then your opponent can report Romulans to any Nor and you can report your Romulan infiltrator (Lovok Founder) to any Nor. Since Ferengi Trading Post specifically allows both players to report there regardless of affiliation, you may report any Founder infiltrators, as infiltrators to any Ferengi Trading Post.