FAQs Q: Does Decipher accept card ideas? A: We make a formal distinction between a suggestion (offered from a customer as feedback) and a submission (a game designer seeking compensation). Your feedback is always welcome. If you think there is something good or bad about the game that you want us to know, or you have a "wish list" of cards, feel free to tell us. We listen to our customers and such suggestions are appreciated. However, if you are a player or designer seeking compensation for ideas Decipher does not accept personal submissions for collectible card game concepts. All such submissions must go through an established "game agent." In general, if you do have a card idea you wish to submit, we suggest that you give us a complete description of what it would do. Remember that most of us here are as big of Trek maniacs as anyone, so we know about almost all the "little things" that would make great card ideas -- we just don't know what those cards should do!