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Q: < AND > MARKS -- How do you read these?


  1. Can you look through your discard pile during a game?
  2. Can you ask your opponent to show you his/her Personnel and Equipment cards that are face up on the table (like those at an Outpost)?
  3. Can I look at my opponent's cards on a ship or on a planet?

  1. No, unless a special card allows it.
  2. Yes
  3. No, unless a special card allows it. See "Showing Your Cards" on page 29 of the rulebook.

  1. What happens if you run out of cards to draw?
  2. When you run out of cards, the game ends. Is this as soon as there are no cards in your draw deck, or as soon as you need to draw a card and can't?


  1. See page 2 in the Rulebook. As soon as either player's deck runs out, the game is over and the player who then has the highest score wins the game. This is important since one major tactic is to try to exhaust one of the players' draw decks whenever you are leading the game on points.
  2. It is supposed to happen as soon as you run out of cards in your draw deck. Normally, since cards are drawn at the end of your turn, running out will happen at that time. It is possible to run out during the middle of your turn if a special card is played that forces you to draw cards. The current ruling is that the game ends immediately when this happens. See the rules on page 2 and 6.

Q: < AND > MARKS -- How do you read these? If the card states something like, "Unless SCIENCE and CUNNING>35...." Does that mean Science>35 AND Cunning>35 or the combination of the two >35?

A: This example translates as, "Unless you have one SCIENCE Personnel and a total amount of CUNNING greater than 35...." They refer to "Attributes" (Strength, Cunning, Integrity for the Personnel, or Weapons, Shields and Range for the Ships), and state how much of that attribute you need. They don't refer to Classifications or Skills of Personnel (see page 24 of the Rulebook). Sometimes they might seem a little ambiguous, but only if you read them algebraically. If a card calls for more than one Personnel classification or skill it will say, "2 SCIENCE" or "3 Diplomacy", etc., which means you need at least that many Personnel with those skills.

Q: ORDER OF MULTIPLE MULTIPLIERS -- For equipment that multiplies and that adds, if you combine them, which do you do first? For example if a Husnock ship with normal shields of 12 has Metaphasic Shields with one SCIENCE aboard (normally allowing Shields +2), plus Kurlan Naiskos aboard (which triples Range, Weapons, and Shields) -- would you determine the Shields by adding 2 and then multiplying by 3 (totalling 42), or by multiplying by 3 and then adding 2 (totalling 38)?

A: I knew basic arithmetic would become useful at some point in our lives! I see no reason why one must logically happen before the other, so I think the player can do it in any order he chooses, thus gaining the highest possible advantage

Q: NEGATIVE POINTS -- I noticed that on some of the cards in AU, you can now lose points from your score. What happens if you encounter these before you score anything? Do you have a negative score?

A: Effectively, yes, you have a negative score. If I've lost 20 points from dilemmas or interrupts, and I've gained 50 points from scoring missions, dilemmas or interrupts, I have a net score of 30.


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