Q: RETALIATION SHOT -- The rules say, "If the attacker's weapon
power is greater than the defender's shield power the defender's ship
is damaged. Otherwise, the defender's ship is safe and the player now
gets a retaliation shot with the roles reversed." This seems to imply
that the defender gets a retaliation shot only if the defender wasn't
damaged. Is that true?
A: No. The wording here is a bit ambiguous. There is no such thing as
"surprise." There is no such thing as "first strike." The intent is
the defender normally gets his retaliation shot whether or not he is
damaged. All battle is simultaneous, regardless of who initiated it,
and all ships get an attack (assuming they are properly manned).
The paragraph should read: "If the attacker's weapon power is
greater than the defender's shield power, the defender's ship will
be damaged at the end of combat. The defender then gets to launch an
attack, just as the attacker did. Once all combat has been resolved,
ships are rotated to indicate that they are damaged (or removed
altogether if destroyed)."