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Missions and the Spaceline | Dilemmas | Artifacts | Outposts | Ships | Personnel | Equipment | Events | Interrupts | Doorways



1) At what time of the seed phase may the AU Doorway be seeded? At first? After the Dilemmas and Missions? Or at any time you like?
2) What happens if my AU Doorway gets "closed"? How can I reopen it?
3) When you play one from your hand, how does it work?
  1. Technically speaking, you can seed it at any time you like, but practically speaking, you should seed it first. Remember that the AU Doorway is supposed to be in place before AU dilemmas and AU artifacts are seeded. Thus, traditionally the Doorway is seeded first, so that there will be no question about an AU card being seeded out of sequence. But if this causes a problem with arguments about sequencing, then players should use a house rule to seed the AU Doorway first. Tournaments will probably require seeding the AU Doorway immediately.
  2. Think of it as a literal doorway. When it is open, AU cards can come through and be put in play. Having already come through the Door, they do not suddenly have to leave if the Door gets closed behind them -- they are already here. When the Door is closed, no more AU cards can come through until it is reopened.
    The main way to close an A.U. Doorway is to play the Revolving Door card on it. Kevin Uxbridge does not nullify the AU Doorway, because it is not an Event card. The Revolving Door can be removed by playing another AU Doorway, another Revolving Door of your own, or Kevin Uxbridge. Stocking some of these three cards is advisable if your deck is dependent on AU cards, to "defend" your Doorway and keep it open.
  3. Normally, a "Doorway" card is assumed to work as follows: you can play it at any time during your own turn. It is thus similar to an Interrupt, except that it plays only during your turn, not during anyone's turn. Playing a Doorway does not count as your one card play for that turn, just like an Interrupt does not count as this card play.

1) How do these AU Dilemmas work? Does the Doorway have to be "open" for the AU Dilemma to affect you when it is revealed?
2) Some AU Artifacts say they go to the owner's hand to be later played like a normal Equipment card, etc. Does this mean that they go "out of play" and thus need your AU Doorway to be open for them to re-enter play?
  1. First, remember that the purpose of the A.U. Doorway card is to allow AU-icon cards to "come through the door" into the "real" Trek universe. Thus, to be able to seed AU dilemmas or AU artifacts, you have to play the AU Doorway first during the seed phase, opening the door. Once this has been done, the AU dilemmas and AU artifacts can "come through the door" and be seeded. There is no need for them to "come through the doorway twice" by requiring the AU Doorway to be open when these cards are actually revealed or activated.
    Think of it this way: Artifacts and dilemmas represent latent possibilities -- plot twists and cool things which are hidden at the location, waiting there to be found. They are not considered to be "in play" until they are revealed, but from a storyline perspective we can imagine them literally waiting there, just as the Tox Uthat artifact was buried on Risa and waiting for Picard and Vash to find it. Thus, having already passed through the A.U. Doorway to be hidden there in the first place, there is no need for another trip through the door; it would be redundant.
  2. The rationale explained in the previous question remains unchanged. The artifact has already earned the right to be here by coming through the Doorway in the seed phase, and just because its use involves re-deploying it doesn't mean it symbolically left the universe.

Q: DEVIDIAN DOOR EXPLANATION -- Elaborate on the Devidian Door. What does it represent?

A: This is probably the most complex card in the AU expansion. The intent was to simulate an effect happening before a cause. The effect is that a new card gets played (seemingly out of nowhere), and the next turn, the Devidian Door gets played.
From a storyline perspective, imagine it this way. Your on the bridge of your ship in the middle of a crisis. Suddenly, out of nowhere, Picard appears and helps you solve the dilemma that you're in. You now know that, at some point in the future, you're going to have to send Picard backwards in time so that he can help you overcome the dilemma you were just in. This is similar to the episode "Time's Arrow", in which Guinan waited 500 years to send Picard back to 19th Century San Francisco where they were to meet. From a gameplay perspective, you may play a card now, so long as in your next turn (the future) you play the Devidian door (which explains where the card you're playing now is coming from). If you fail to show the Devidian Door, you have corrupted the space/time continuum, the universe implodes, and you lose the game.

Q: DEVIDIAN DOOR: WHERE PLAYED -- Where can a card coming from a Devidian Door be played? The card says " to anywhere." Is that literally true? Elaborate on the consequences of this.

A: Yes. It allows you to play one Personnel or Equipment card "anywhere" (and also "at any time", like an Interrupt card play). This creates a couple of tricky situations which we're going to try to resolve here and now.

  1. First, "Can I play the card on the Kitchen table in the next room?" No, it has to be played somewhere within the scope of the game. There are many possible places to put it (many examples are given below). Placing the card in the fish tank is not within the scope of the game.
  2. "Can I play the card onto one of my own ships, escape pods, or outposts, wherever they are located? Yes. Certainly this would be a common use for the D.Door, getting a key personnel quickly to a needed location.
  3. "Can I play the card directly to any planet location?" Yes. It can arrive alone, or can join an away team there. It would not be affected by cards that hinder beaming, etc.
  4. "Can I play the card to a space location?" Playing the card to a space location would of course mean it is left floating in space. At the current time, there is no card that allows personnel to survive in space. So, a person placed this way would logically be immediately killed, and furthermore would not be able to do a mission there before they die. There is some evidence in the series that Soong-type Androids and Exocomps could survive the vacuum of space, so you can play with the ruling that these Personnel plus Equipment cards could be played to a space location where they are not aboard a ship. In that case, they would be considered to be "floating around" and may be rescued by one of your own ships. They would not be able to participate in a mission from such a position, however. The same would apply to "Gaps in Normal Space" on the spaceline.
  5. "Can I play the card down on the table (not on the spaceline) next to my events and artifacts (which play like events)?" Yes, but they would just sit there and do nothing, and at the current time there is not any way I know of to retrieve them. Perhaps someone can think of a use for such a tactic!
  6. "Can I play the card to a mission location where my away team has just revealed a dilemma which I cannot overcome without the help of someone from the Devidian Door?" No. You cannot play a card in response to a dilemma (see "Timing," above). There has been some talk of allowing this to be done *between* dilemmas, due to the new rules regarding mission attempts. If feedback suggests we should, we will make this ruling.
  7. "Can I play the card to augment my forces where an away team battle is already in progress?" Yes. This would be another common use, deploying the card to a planet or ship where it is needed to meet some immediate condition. Of course, you could not do it during the battle itself, but between turns.
  8. "Can I play the card underneath a mission (like a seed card)?" Yes, you can seed a personnel or equipment card. When it is discovered, it is considered an improperly seeded card and is placed out of play unless you have some way of making it properly seeded, such as a Cryosatellite at that location.
  9. "Can I play the card onto one of my opponent's ships or outposts, etc., and attempt to capture their ship?" At the current time, we do not have rules to handle what it means to capture an opponent's ship (except in the limited case of Rogue Borg combined with Lore Returns). However, there are such concepts in the works for future expansions (as well as more Borg stuff related to those type of actions). Such rules would also require that the concept of "capturing", introduced in AU, will have to be enhanced; to cover situations where such an attack fails. This too is in the works. So, at the time of this writing, using the Devidian Door to place one of your Personnel on an opponent's ship (etc.) would essentially mean that they are immediately captured, and treated as captured personnel.
  10. "Can I play the card onto my opponent's draw deck, discard pile, or hand?" Yes, but that would essentially mean that you are "giving" them that card to play as their own card (returning it to you at the end of the game). One reason to put a card in your opponent's draw deck would be to prevent him from ending the game next turn by drawing his last card; a desperate measure that might work in some circumstances.
  11. "Can I play the card on a dilemma like the Borg ship or the Radioactive Garbage Scow?" Yes, but currently, these are the only two dilemmas that you can play personnel onto via the Door. If you play any personnel onto the Garbage Scow, they immediately die, due to radiation poisoning. If you play them onto the Borg ship, nothing happens to them, and when the Borg ship exits the spaceline, they go to back to your discard pile. (As mentioned before, there will likely be other cards in the future that would give players more to do if they get aboard a Borg Ship, but currently not). There might be some reasons to play a personnel onto the Borg Ship (to allow it to get past certain Events on the spaceline) and one non-aligned AU personnel in particular can have an interesting effect on the Borg Ship...
  12. "Can I play the card onto my own hand, discard pile, or draw deck?" Yes, you can play them to all of these places legally. They act just like they got there in the normal way. There wouldn't be much point in playing a card from your hand to your hand, but you could do it if you really wanted to.

    These are some of the main examples of what you can do with the Devidian Door. I'm sure there are more. We intentionally left this card rather vague in order to "push the envelope" and allow maximum player creativity. If you try something new with the D.Door and wonder if it is legal or how it should be allowed to play out, just use common sense, bearing in mind both the "storyline" of time travel it represents and what rules currently exist to handle what you are trying to do. You have to live with the result within the current rule structure. If necessary, we might post some limitations on what can be done, but for now; let your creativity go!

Q: DEVIDIAN DOOR and ITS TIME LIMIT -- Is the time limit for "showing" the Devidian Door on your next turn (after using it) a general time frame, or a specific game instruction? That is, is "showing the D.Door" considered to be a game action which my opponent might be able to prevent?

A: The Devidian Door says that the person who uses it must "...any time during your next turn, you must show opponent a Devidian Door from your hand ... or you lose the game."
First, note that this means the time period in which you must show the Devidian Door begins at the start of your next turn, and ends at the end of that turn (i.e., it must be done before you draw a card to end your turn).
Second, note that there is a gap of time between when you use the card and the start of your next turn when you have the first opportunity to show the D.Door. During this time gap, the opponent has the opportunity to find a way to mess you up by somehow forcing you to discard the Devidian Door before you get the chance to show it. For example, he could play Masaka Transformations on you, forcing you to discard your entire hand. Or, if he has the Telepathic Alien Kidnappers in play, he could possibly use it to correctly guess which card is your Devidian Door, forcing you to discard it. If this happens to you, you will lose the game if you cannot somehow get that Devidian Door back in your hand and show it to the opponent by the end of your next turn. For example, you might be able to get back a Devidian Door that was discarded by using Palor Toff.
Finally, "showing the opponent the Devidian Door card from your hand" is a game "action." If your next turn has come around, and you delay showing your Door, you still risk the opponent doing something to force you to discard it before you can show it. If that happens, you may have lost your chance to show it.

Q: DEVIDIAN DOOR and OPHIDIAN CANE -- How is the cane used with the D.Door? The Cane says, "...allow 3 through Devidian Door..." If it is to be used in this way, is it played when you *use* the D.Door, or when you *show* the D.Door?

A: It is played with the personnel who "go through" the Devidian Door, to justify the action of sending three through the door instead of just one.

Q: ENERGY VORTEX -- Can Energy Vortex be used to stop a Devidian Door?

A: No. Energy Vortex says that it can be played immediately after a player "plays a card." The Devidian Door is not "played," it's just "shown," so there is no way to "counter" it.


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