Q: DEVIDIAN DOOR and ITS TIME LIMIT -- Is the time limit for "showing" the Devidian Door on your next turn (after using it) a general time frame, or a specific game instruction? That is, is "showing the D.Door" considered to be a game action which my opponent might be able to prevent?
A: The Devidian Door says that the person who uses it must "...any time during your next turn, you must show opponent a Devidian Door from your hand ... or you lose the game."
First, note that this means the time period in which you must show the Devidian Door begins at the start of your next turn, and ends at the end of that turn (i.e., it must be done before you draw a card to end your turn).
Second, note that there is a gap of time between when you use the card and the start of your next turn when you have the first opportunity to show the D.Door. During this time gap, the opponent has the opportunity to find a way to mess you up by somehow forcing you to discard the Devidian Door before you get the chance to show it. For example, he could play Masaka Transformations on you, forcing you to discard your entire hand. Or, if he has the Telepathic Alien Kidnappers in play, he could possibly use it to correctly guess which card is your Devidian Door, forcing you to discard it. If this happens to you, you will lose the game if you cannot somehow get that Devidian Door back in your hand and show it to the opponent by the end of your next turn. For example, you might be able to get back a Devidian Door that was discarded by using Palor Toff.
Finally, "showing the opponent the Devidian Door card from your hand" is a game "action." If your next turn has come around, and you delay showing your Door, you still risk the opponent doing something to force you to discard it before you can show it. If that happens, you may have lost your chance to show it.