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1) Are Equipment effects transferable? For example, the Engineering Kit says, "Gives all of your OFFICER- classification personnel the extra skill of ENGINEER where present." So, my Officer now acts as an Engineer too. But what if I now add a Tricorder which says, "Gives all of your ENGINEER- classification personnel the extra skill of SCIENCE where present." Does that mean my Officer/Engineer now acts as a Scientist as well?
2) Do "super-engineers" benefit twice from Equipment cards. For example, Geordi LaForge is a super Engineer with an ENGINEER classification and extra ENGINEER skill. If he is with a Tricorder (which gives SCIENCE skill to ENGINEER-classification personnel), would he also have double SCIENCE skill?
3) If an Away Team with Equipment gets wiped out (e.g. by a Firestorm) is the Equipment destroyed as well?
4) If an Engineering Padd is used, will the person using it be able to give the bonus to Nutational Shields?
A: - No, the equipment only enhances the "classification" as a new skill. You might think of it as a "temporary ability", but it doesn't transfer.
- No. The cards refer only to the "classification" of the personnel.
- The Equipment would be left on the planet, where the owner of the Equipment could later go and retrieve it. The opponent cannot retrieve them, because theoretically he would not know where to find them on the planet. This is one of the advantages of using Equipment cards; they aren't as vulnerable as Personnel.
- Yes. The requirement on the Nutational Shields card refers to "ENGINEER" not to "ENGINEER Classification."
1) Does its increase in strength go up by 10 each time (10, 20, 30, 40, etc.), or does it double (10, 20, 40, 80, etc.?
2) Does it increase it's strength in the same battle, as in the next turn, or does it have to be a completely different battle initiated later?
3) Can my EP 607 "work alone"; in other words, can I send it into a battle by itself?
4) Can I use the EP 607 to meet Strength requirements for a mission or dilemma?
A: - The strength goes up by 10 each time. Sorry for the poor wording here.
- The rise in strength happens only in separate battles, not in successive rounds of the same overall battle.
- No. Like any other piece of Equipment, the EP 607 requires you to have someone there to use it.
- No. The EP 607 only contributes its Strength in battles.
1) Where it states that the +2 given by these weapons are cumulative does this mean that a Federation away team with two Phaser equipment cards get a +4 each for all personnel?
2) Phasers -- Does each member of the away team get +2, or only one member per phaser?
A: - Yes. Also, they would "accumulate" with any other cards that might increase personnel Strength the same way.
- Wherever a phaser or disruptor is present, everyone on the away team gets the +2.
1) If there is no treaty in effect, can affiliation-specific Equipment like a Romulan Disruptor be "handled" by the other affiliations? i.e., can a Romulan Disruptor be brought in at a Federation outpost and transported around by Federation ships?
2) What if there is a treaty in effect -- can my Federation people use the Romulan Disruptor?
A: - Anybody, anytime, can move or beam Equipment around, because they are "things". It's just that in game terms only certain affiliations can actually use that Equipment as stated on the individual cards.
- If there is a treaty, then both affiliations can use the Equipment, because under a Treaty the allied affiliations share their cards "as if they were one affiliation" (page 30). You might rationalize that they teach each other how to use the equipment, etc.