Q: DILEMMAS: How are Data, Exocomps and Holo's affected by dilemmas?
A: Usually, the same way as anything else. This is a broad question, open to many rulings and interpretations. I've heard several reasons why Data should be affected by this, and Holo's shouldn't be affected by that, and so on. Admittedly, some do make sense. But the last thing we want to do is list every dilemma and list why or why not they affect something. Most of the "guesstimations" we make would be based on what "might have" happened on the show if Data would have been exposed to virus X. First off, nobody knows what would have happend to Data in that situation, so it's open to much debate. Also, we want to rely as little as possible on the show itself to provide rulings so that people who don't know every episode backwards and forwards can still know if a dilemma works on an android. What follows are some general rules for applying dilemmas to artificial life forms (Holo's, Exocomps and Androids):
- They can be "infected" and "killed" by diseases. This keeps them consistent with normal personnel. There is some precedent for this in the show -- Data was infected by the Tsiolkovsky Infection, for instance. We don't know what effect the Tarellian Plague might have had on him, but, to stay consistent, we'll assume it could have killed him.
- They are NOT affected by dilemmas that affect aging or their species as a whole. Examples of this would be Hyper-Aging, Rascals, and Barclay's Protomorphosis Disease.
- They CAN trigger Alien Parasites or Coalescent Organism and carry them back to the ship. This is also a consistency ruling, but one might theorize that they carry a "soil sample" back to the ship that contains the infectious organisms.
- Holographic personnel are treated slightly different in regards to being killed. As per the rules, if "killed," they are merely de-activated and returned to the ship to be activated on your next turn. If separated from the ship or the planet the ship is orbiting (assuming Holo-Projectors are in play), the Holo is also de-activated and returned to the ship. Dilemmas that could "separate" the ship from the Holo include Love Interests and Cardassian Trap.
Other than these rules, Holographic personnel, Exocomps, and Androids should be treated exactly like normal personnel with regards to dilemmas.