DILEMMAS -- Q: When do they stop me? How do I "overcome" a dilemma? When are they discarded?
A: In general, a dilemma stops you if:
1) It has listed conditions for you to overcome;
2) Bad things will happen if you don't meet these conditions; and
3) You fail to meet those conditions.
Most Dilemma cards have the form: "Unless you meet (specific conditions), the following happens to you . . .(nasty effects)". In these cases, the definition of "overcoming the dilemma" is clear -- you overcome the dilemma if your Away Team is able to meet the specific conditions listed on the card. The card is discarded (to its owner's discard pile) and you continue the mission attempt. If the away team fails to meet the conditions, then it is both "stopped" and affected by the card.
Some Dilemma cards, however, have no conditions. They have their effect and you can't avoid it. For example, Armus - Skin of Evil says, "Kills one Away Team member (random selection). Discard dilemma." There is no "unless", it just happens, period.
Other dilemmas have automatic effects that can be cured later. For instance, Birth of Junior says "Place on ship. Range reduced by one each turn until 3 ENGINEER aboard..." This dilemma has an automatic effect (place on ship and reduce range by one each turn) that can be "cured" later by meeting the conditions (3 ENGINEER present). This dilemma fails to meet requirement #2 above -- that bad things will happen if you don't meet the conditions of the dilemma. In this case, the bad things happen no matter what -- they can just be "undone" by meeting the conditions of the dilemma.
THE RULES TO GO BY in "overcoming" dilemmas, therefore, is as follows:
(1) Dilemma cards with no "conditions" are automatically "overcome" -- they have their effect, but do not "stop" the Away Team. Also, dilemmas that have a bad effect that can be "cured" later (like diseases) or that have a requirement to trigger, not conditions to overcome, do not stop you. For example, Maman Picard will only have an effect on a Federation ship. Hunter Gangs will only kill personnel with odd Cunnings. These dilemmas are "overcome" automatically because they don't give you conditions to avoid them (like "Strength > 40").
Alien Abduction says "Most CUNNING Away Team member is held captive until mission completed or 3 Leadership present." In this case, the effect happens automatically -- the Away Team member is captured. To conditions for "curing" are listed on the card. This dilemma does not stop you because it has an automatic effect that can be "cured" later.
(2) Cards which do have conditions that must be overcome (at the risk of a heavy price if they aren't) will "stop" the away team and have their effect unless you "overcome" the dilemma by meeting those conditions. (This assumes the dilemma card itself doesn't override this rule, such as the Alien Parasites dilemma card)
For discarding dilemmas, here's what we've put together:
a) If a Dilemma says "Discard Dilemma," it is discarded after encountered.
b) If a Dilemma is overcome (it has listed conditions, and they are met), it is discarded.
c) If a Dilemma has an effect that cannot be prevented or cured later, it is discarded. This dilemma has no conditions, but may have requirements for triggering (see below).
The general form of this type of card is: "Something bad happens" or "If (requirements met), something bad happens."
The Higher...The Fewer -- There is no way to avoid the effects of this dilemma.
Parallel Romance -- Assuming you have a male and female present, this cannot be avoided.
Maman Picard -- This has a requirement (Federation ship present), but no conditions.
Hunter Gangs -- This has an effect only if the personnel selected have a certain Cunning. This would be a requirement to trigger, not a condition.
Thought Fire -- The Traveler: Transcendence is the requirement here.
d) If a Dilemma has an effect that can be cured later (such as most diseases) or if it enters play on the table, on the spaceline, on a personnel, or on a ship, it stays in play until it is "cured." It is "cured" when the conditions for overcoming are present at the same location as the dilemma; it is then considered overcome and is discarded. In any case, the dilemma is no longer under the mission, and will not be encountered again.
Frame of Mind -- This affects one personnel, and then can be cured later with 3 Empathy.
Phased Matter -- This has an effect on the Away Team which can be cured by having Engineer and Science present.
Alien Abduction -- The "cure" is 3 Leadership or completing the mission.
Borg Ship -- This plays on the spaceline. The only way to "overcome" it is to destroy it!
Interphasic Plasma Creatures -- If not overcome, this dilemma is played on the table.
The general form of this type of card is: "Something happens. Cure with (conditions) present" or "Unless (conditions) present, play on (the table, a ship, the spaceline)."
e) OTHERWISE, if a Dilemma does not automatically happen and its conditions are not met, the Dilemma goes back under the mission after it affects the Away Team/Ship's Crew and can encountered later. The "wall" Dilemmas, such as Impassible Door and Matriarchal Society, would also fall under this category.
The general form of this type of card is: "Something happens unless (conditions) present" or "Unless (conditions) present, something happens."
Note: If a Dilemma has a point value involved with it, instead of being discarded, it is placed in your area after you have "overcome" it (as mentioned on page 24 of the rulebook). Dilemmas with no conditions (such as "The Higher...The Fewer") are assumed to be automatically overcome. You never gain points for a dilemma that you did not overcome, even if that dilemma would normally be discarded (such as returning to the outpost to discard REM Fatigue Hallucinations). Confusing cases for this are Edo Probe and Royale Casino: Blackjack, but their wording describes exactly when someone "gains" their point values.
"Conditions" of a dilemma refer to skills or personnel needed to prevent the Dilemma (such as "2 SECURITY present," "INTEGRITY > 40," or "unless Data present"), not requirements that require it to trigger or have an effect (such as Maman Picard or Parallel Romance) or special cards that can prevent its effects (such as Thermal Deflectors or Emergency Transporter Armbands).
Some other dilemmas are a little tougher to figure:
Radioactive Garbage Scow -- This is played upon the spaceline, so it fits category d. It immediately stops the mission attempt but does not "stop" the ship attempting it (yes, I know that's confusing). Its "cure" is towing it away with a Tractor Beam and 2 Engineer. You could tow it, move back, and re-attempt the mission, if you had enough range.
Coalescent Organism -- This would appear to be an e, since it has listed conditions (Exobiology). However, since it is "passed on" from one personnel to another, it does not stay under the dilemma if it is not overcome. Rather it is played on the personnel who is infected, and then passed on to anyone else it should infect.
Edo Probe -- This has a number of requirements and possible effects. If you choose to be stopped and attempt another mission first, the Edo Probe will remain, but will be discarded if another mission is done. In this way, the dilemma is "overcome." If you continue with the mission and complete it, the dilemma is also "overcome" and it is discarded. However, if you continue with the mission and fail to complete it, the -10 point value is placed on your side of the table.
Interphasic Plasma Creatures -- If you fail to overcome this dilemma, it is placed in your play area as an Event. Since you can only overcome a dilemma by bringing personnel to its location, you cannot "overcome" this dilemma like you could overcome a dilemma in the play area, such as Birth of "Junior." You could use Kevin Uxbridge to nullify it.
Final notes -- Remember that a dilemma that gives conditions for you to overcome always "stops" you if you fail (this does not include dilemmas that have their effect automatically and list conditions that can be met to undo those effects). If you are not stopped by a dilemma, you must keep attempting the mission and continue encountering dilemmas. In one game I recently played, I beamed down to attempt a mission with ten personnel. After a few love interests, an Alien Abduction, Hunter Gangs, and, finally Nausicaans, I was down to two! To add insult to injury, my opponent then beamed down and attacked me, killing one of my remaining personnel!
Also, even if a dilemma does not have a negative effect on you, you are still stopped by it (if you would be normally) and it goes back under the mission if you did not overcome it (unless it would normally be discarded). Empathic Echo and Zaldan are two examples of these kinds of dilemmas. The former kills Empaths and the latter kills Diplomats. If you didn't have either of these skills in your Away Teams, you would suffer no consequences, but the dilemmas would still stop you and would remain there.