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Study Cometary Cloud
By: Joeri Hoste
Star Trek CCG Ambassador
Contributing Writer

Study Cometary Cloud is the only unique mission in Starter Deck II. In constructed environments, Study Cometary Cloud can pave the way for Non-aligned deck designs and makes these strategies a more viable option.

It also supplements the Cardassian SCIENCE-missions (Characterize Neutrino Emissions comes to mind) opening up other and new possibilities for this affiliation.


Study Cometary Cloud+Qualor II Rendez-Vous+Deliver Supplies+2 *Establish Diplomatic Relations = who needs the baggage of an affiliation when you can do it on your own?!

Study Cometary Cloud+Characterize Neutrino Emissions+Changeling Research+2 *Survey Star System = a Cardie SCIENCE deck with Gamma excursions!

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