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Ferengi Trading Post
By: Bruce Umene
Star Trek CCG Ambassador

This is one of the biggest lifts for sealed deck play since the warp pack came out. Your non-Borg personnel can report and mix aboard regardless of affiliation. No more worrying about getting the correct outpost or treaty to be able to play your personnel.

Anything else? You can also seed a (non-unique) D'Kora face up here. This should go nicely with a Husnock Outpost and a Husnock ship. You'll still have to wait for the actual D'Kora card though. The only thing you'll have to take into account is that both player's cards may report aboard, so be prepared and start packing those phasers and disruptors.

This also goes along nicely with the 3 Ferrengi missions in SD2, couple this with the existing Ferengi missions from DS9 and now there are 7 Ferengi missions. I forsee Ferengi decks making a presence on the tournament scene in the near future.

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