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Whither Moriarty?

by Q
Jason Winter

May 02 1997 -Since the announcement that the Holodeck Adventures expansion set will not be a part of our new plans for the Star Trek Customizable Card Game, many people have been concerned that long-anticipated cards like Moriarty, Barash and Minuet will not be made. Don't worry. We haven't forgotten Moriarty the way Captain Picard did! You'll still see all these holodeck cards and more... you simply will not see them all in one expansion.

All our expansion sets include cards with general functions outside of the "main theme" of the expansion -- Alternate Universe and Q used this model. Our new expansions will do the same. Eventually, you will see plenty of cards originally slated for Holodeck Adventures. Some will be in early expansions. Some will be in later expansions. But the well-known Holodeck Adventure characters you expected will still be produced.

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