naDev thlInganpu' tu'lu'
by Chris Heard (uzo@unicomplex.org)
With twenty-one Klingon personnel and seven Klingon ships, The Motion
Pictures expansion offers the largest infusion of new Klingon blood into
the Star Trek CCG since the premiere set. Even Blaze of Glory, which
introduced such great Klingon cards as Blood Oath, the Sword of Kahless,
Bat'leth Tournament, and A Good Day to Live, only featured twelve Klingon
personnel (one of them a Ferengi!) and three ships. Truly, the heart of
a Klingon warrior beats in The Motion Pictures.
QaStaHvIS wa' ram loS SaD Hugh SIjlaH qetbogh loD
The new Klingon personnel in The Motion Pictures expansion span the gamut
from lowly warriors to the heights of imperial power. Obviously, there are
too many Klingons in the set to examine them one by one here. Nevertheless,
several are worthy of special note.
start at the top, The Motion Pictures introduces two new Klingon chancellors,
Gorkon and his daughter and successor, Azetbur.
Both have relatively predictable skill sets (although Azetbur's Exobiology
and Gorkon's Anthropology are increasingly in demand) for top-ranking government
officials. That is not to say that the younger chancellor and her father
are redundant. Gorkon alone can protect his crew or Away Team from The Clown:
Guillotine, and Gorkon and Azetbur together provide the core skills (lacking
only attribute levels) to pass Aggressive Behavior, Implication, the new
Linguistic Legerdemain (with which they need no help at all), Primitive
Humanoids, and other such dilemmas not to mention that the addition
of two chancellors boosts the usefulness of Going to the Top for Klingon
players and reduces the effectiveness of Executive Authorization for their
opponents. Of course, Gorkon's and Azetbur's regular skills are not their
whole story. Azetbur's ability to grab a Treaty: Federation/Klingon and
her father's ability to protect it from nullification enhance the treaty
deck type as an option.
levels of Klingon government are also represented in The Motion Pictures
expansion, including Kamarag, the Klingon ambassador featured at the beginning
of Star Trek IV; General Korrd, who will be as popular with Sybok decks
as with Klingon decks; and Colonel Worf, whose skills are appropriate to
a warrior pressed into judiciary service (even the Archaeology may subtly
imply "digging for clues" to a case) but also useful on deep space assignments.
Among the most interesting of the second-tier (and lower) Klingon government
officials, however, is Brigadier
Kerla. His SECURITY classification befits the chancellor's military
advisor, and makes him downloadable via Defend Homeworld. Kerla, in turn,
can special-download any [CF] Klingon chancellor. This download presents
several strategic possibilities. For example, you might download Kerla and
Azetbur at the beginning of the game to power a Klingon/Federation treaty
deck without using valuable seed slots for Open Diplomatic Relations and
the treaty itself, or download Kerla early and save the special download
until Gorkon's or Azetbur's skills are needed to overcome a dilemma.
the Klingon military contributes a large number of personnel to this set,
including a classic films era Captain
Kang from Voyager's "Flashback" episode along with Kruge, Valkris, Klaa,
Vixis, General Chang, and less prominent warriors from the various films.
Perhaps one of the most useful special skills among The Motion Pictures
expansion's new Klingons is found on the otherwise unassuming Woteln. As
an ENGINEER with Computer Skill and Stellar Cartography, Woteln might otherwise
be overlooked. However, his special skill supplements a ship battle deck
quite nicely. Incorporate Explore Typhon Expanse and Survey Mission
Klingon space missions with spans of 5 into your deck and seed outposts
at one or (using a Neutral Outpost) both. Get Woteln aboard as soon as possible
(perhaps using Spacedoor to download an I.K.C. K't'inga, which in
turn special downloads any [univ] [CF] Klingon) to boost your opponent's
span to 7 at each of those missions. When your opponent finds it necessary
to stop at that location due to lack of RANGE, you'll be ready to pounce.
batlh Daqawlu'taH
While the majority of Klingon-themed cards in The Motion Pictures expansion
are personnel, the Klingons benefit from several other features of the set.
Notably, six of the seven Klingon ships introduced in this expansion (excluding
only the universal K't'inga) have matching commanders who are also found
in the set. Captain's Log brings most of the [CF] Klingon ships to 8-9 WEAPONS
and SHIELDS. Adding Captain Kang's WEAPONS bonus (if at a [Klg] mission)
and Krase's SHIELDS bonus pumps the ships to 10-11 WEAPONS and SHIELDS with
minimal effort. Moreover, the universal Ch'Dak can boost his ship's RANGE
by 1; although his skill isn't cumulative, there's no reason not to use
one per [CF] ship. Three of the ships the Chontay, Kla'Diyus,
and Bounty can now land and even report on [Klg] planet missions
thanks to Duj Saq. (Note that while the I.K.C. Kla'Diyus qualifies
as a "B'rel-class ship" for Duj Saq, it is not the "same class" as a universal
Ferengi B'rel, so don't try to christen a Ferengi ship using '45 Dom Perignon
to get the Kla'Diyus out quickly.)
Khitomer time location can enhance any deck that includes a significant
contingent of [CF] Klingons by providing a free reporting ability similar
to that already familiar from Sherman's Peak. While Sherman's Peak offers
its own particular advantages such as the ability to manipulate point
values thanks to Hero of the Empire Camp Khitomer provides a free
reporting solution for a more robust roster of Klingon warriors and ships.
In fact, a creative combination of Camp Khitomer, Sherman's Peak, and The
Great Hall could permit the majority of your deck's personnel and ships
to report for free, thus leaving your regular card play open for useful
events, incidents, and so on.
chay' Dochvam vIlo'
The sample deck here is pretty straightforward. Set up your outposts on
Explore Typhon Expanse and Survey Mission as described above; use the Spacedoor
to download a universal K't'inga, which in turn downloads Woteln and adds
2 to the span of the appropriate mission. Pull down Brigadier Kerla with
Defend Homeworld, Azetbur with Brigadier Kerla, and Regnor with Assign Support
Personnel. Other than that, just report personnel and ships as fast as you
can using the free reporting mechanisms; in the deck list below, each ship
and almost every personnel card is keyed [1] = reports free at Sherman's
Peak, [2] = reports free at Camp Khitomer, and/or [3] = reports free to
the Great Hall. Concentrate on battle first, then mission-solving later.
You could enhance this deck by using Historical Research with Guardians
of Forever to power card draws; by using Wormhole Negotiations and Barzan
Wormhole drops to get your staffed ships into play faster; and/or by adding
a Hero of the Empire module to increase the point value of your missions.
Doorways (4)
Alternate Universe Door
Battle Bridge Door
Q's Tent
Temporal Micro-Wormhole
Missions (6, free)
Agricultural Assessment
Avert Danger
Explore Typhon Expanse
Expose Covert Supply
Khitomer Research
Survey Mission
Dilemmas (16)
Select your favorite stoppers
Other Seed Cards (10)
Assign Mission Specialists
Assign Support Personnel
Defend Homeworld
HQ: Secure Homeworld
Klingon Outpost
Make It So
Neutral Outpost
Q the Referee x2
Brigadier Kerla
Captain's Log
Defiant Dedication Plaque
I.K.C. K't'inga
Incoming Message - Federation
Operate Wormhole Relays
Ready Room Door
2 dilemmas for opponent's Q's Planet
Attack Wing x15
Personnel (25)
Arne Darvin [1]
B'Elanna Daughter of Miral
Captain Kang [2]
Captain Koloth [1]
Colonel Worf [2]
Daval [1]
General Chang [2][3]
General Korrd [2][3]
Kered [1]
Klaa [2]
Klag [AMS]
Korax [1]
Kor'choth [2][3]
Kras [1]
Krase [2]
Krax [1]
Kromm [AMS]
Kruge [2]
Margh [3]
Martok [3]
Torg [2]
Vixis [2]
Ships (6)
H.M.S. Bounty [2]
I.K.C. Amar [2]
I.K.C. Chontay [2]
I.K.C. K'elric [2]
I.K.C. Kla'diyus [2]
Kronos 1 [2]
Doorways (10)
Alternate Universe Door
Ready Room Door x4
Space-Time Portal
Temporal Vortex x4
Events (13)
Fair Play
Intermix Ratio
Isomagnetic Disintegrator x2
Kivas Fajo - Collector x8
The Big Picture
Incidents (1)
In the Zone
Interrupts (5)
Burial Ground
Hail x4
April 10, 2002