In the Beginning ...
by Chris Heard (uzo@unicomplex.org)
Genesis. Life from lifelessness. The power of creation... or universal
Armageddon. An impressive tool... a potential weapon. And an epic plot device
spanning multiple Star Trek movies, not to mention now a variety
of Star Trek CCG deck archetypes.
"Genesis, I presume."
the heart of all Genesis-oriented strategies lies The
Genesis Device itself, represented in the game as a "use as equipment"
artifact card. All alone, the torpedo can "terraform" planets, reducing
a planet mission's point value to zero, or doubling it. The artifact's game
text prohibits its use by the Federation, but don't let that bother you
too much; just be sure to include David
Marcus in your deck. That reckless scientist, whose ill-advised decision
to use unstable protomatter in the Genesis matrix made the effect work in
the first place, can partially overcome that level-headed restriction.
Clearly, The Genesis Device presents two important options for any deck.
With The Genesis Device, the two-mission win moves closer into reach for
a wider variety of deck types. Some players' eyes will probably glisten
with thoughts of a one-mission win: just imagine doubling the 55-point value
of Hunt For DNA Program or Restore Victims, or the 45-point value of Betazed
Invasion, Cure Deadly Virus, and so on. Note, however, that The Genesis
Device cannot change the value of a mission whose points have already been
scored. In this respect, it is similar to The Sheliak's effect on a mission's
point value and unlike the similar effects of I Tried To Warn You or Resistance
Is Futile (both of which specify that they do effect points already scored).
This means that you cannot use The Genesis Device to change the point value
of the mission from which you retrieved The Genesis Device, so you'll probably
need to complete two missions after all. Nevertheless, The Genesis Device
introduces an entirely new dynamic into your calculus of mission selection
and completion.
there's the opposite effect, for non-Federation decks. Take your Genesis
Device to an opponent's planet, and terraform its points right out of the
game. That, by itself, is an awesome power, but it's hardly the extent of
Genesis' destructive capacity. The interrupt No,
Kirk... The Game's Not Over extends the shock wave, destroying not only
mission points, but also all planet facilities, landed ships, ships in orbit,
and personnel on the planet when you change its point value using The Genesis
Device. Utter destruction at one spaceline location. Since you can only
change the point value of the mission at the beginning of your own turn
(unless you play Samuel Clemens' Pocketwatch), your opponent has a chance
to run away. Even so, they'd better have gotten the value they needed out
of their headquarters (or high-point planet mission) before you came calling
with your Genesis Device.
This really does change everything.
"Carol... Who's taking Genesis?"
any help, The Genesis Device is intimidating. Combined with No, Kirk...
The Game's Not Over, it's devastating. What more could there be? How about
scoring points for not using the torpedo's destructive capabilities? Two
personnel Kahn
and Kruge
can use The Genesis Device to generate bonus points.
Kruge's point-scoring mechanism is straightforward. A special skill makes
him worth 15 points while The Genesis Device is aboard his ship. That's
like an extra half mission just for retrieving the artifact.
is fitting, though, it's Khan who really benefits from acquiring The Genesis
Device. The seeded objective Revenge
Is A Dish Best Served Cold scores (note: "scores," not "is worth") 30
points for you at the beginning of each of your turns if your Khan and The
Genesis Device are aboard your U.S.S.
Reliant. You read that correctly; there is no misprint. Thirty points
per turn just for getting Khan and The Genesis Device together aboard the
Reliant. What's more, the objective even lets you download the Reliant
itself, and lets Khan and his superhuman followers report aboard Reliant
for free. There is, however, a price to pay: at the end of each of your
turns, you must discard any personnel you have in play other than Khan,
personnel naming him in their lore, or personnel you are controlling with
Eel. Moreover, your opponent can hold you to 15 points per turn by getting
any Kirk into play. (That sound you hear is dust being blown off thousands
of copies of Hero Of The Empire.)
"I was not attempting to evaluate its moral implications..."
Naturally, you don't want to let your opponent get their hands on all
this power. At the same time, you can't wait to play God yourself. What's
a body to do?
Ever since its introduction, Q's Planet has been a popular method of getting
artifacts quickly. Be prepared for your opponents to drop a Q's Planet early
in the game, with The Genesis Device underneath especially if you
see Revenge Is A Dish Best Served Cold on the table. You'll need to come
to the table ready to seed powerful stopper dilemmas under Q's Planet; Dead
End may still be the best choice, though you might want to start using two
or three Q's Tent slots for dilemmas now. Savvy opponents will be prepared
for this, of course, and may try to close your Q's Tent with a Revolving
Door before playing their Q's Planet. Conversely, you need to be prepared
to keep your Q's Tent open, perhaps by stocking Wrong Doors or Alternate
Universe Doors.
Knowing that your opponent has read this article too and is prepared for
your Q's Planet grab, you might consider some alternatives. Since you can't
use Genesis on the mission where you acquire it, you might consider seeding
your Genesis Device aboard a Cryosatellite. If you can thus retrieve The
Genesis Device from a space mission, you can satisfy The Big Picture's requirements
while still enabling a two-mission win. Then again, you might need two Cryosatellites
and two Genesis Devices, in case your opponent seeds a Dead End at one of
those locations. Then again, since The Genesis Device is a "use as equipment"
artifact, you might seed Starry Night instead. Earn Starry Night at an appropriate
location, and you can trade it for The Genesis Device plus one other "use
as equipment" artifact, opening up all sorts of interesting possibilities.
You might even try to acquire Genesis from a Secret Compartment, without
attempting a mission at all.
The Genesis Device need not, however, strike abject terror into the hearts
of Star Trek CCG players everywhere. Until the fuse has been lit (the artifact
has been placed atop a mission), there is a nice, simple counter to The
Genesis Device, and it's been around virtually since creation (the creation
of the game, anyway): Disruptor Overload. Since The Genesis Device is used
as an equipment card, it can be destroyed by Disruptor Overload whenever
it is aboard a ship (as it must be to earn points with Khan or Kruge) or
carried by an Away Team (e.g., when just earned on a planet's surface).
To be sure, Disruptor Overload's random selection is never guaranteed to
hit The Genesis Device unless it's the only equipment present. Nevertheless,
you have a common interrupt that can potentially stop one of the most powerful
effects in the game and if you choose not to use it, you have nobody
to blame but yourself.
On the other hand, you'll want to protect yourself from Disruptor Overloads
if you're trying to use The Genesis Device to your own advantage. While
you're considering the usual methods Amanda Rogers, Goddess of Empathy,
hiding the device amongst a bunch of other equipment you downloaded with
Empok Nor to try to beat the odds on a Disruptor Overload random selection
don't overlook Reclamation. With Reclamation, your overloaded Genesis
Device can be refurbished and re-used for any of its many purposes.
"There are always possibilities."
So there you have it. The Genesis Device is out there, capable of great
good or great ill. The uses to which it is put are now up to you...
March 21, 2002