Caretaker's Array by Evan Lorentz (
Although the Voyager crew found getting home from the Delta Quadrant a difficult task, getting to the Delta Quadrant could hardly be simpler. Just include the Ocampa planet (Liberation) in your deck, add this handy incident, and you're ready to roll.
The benefits of the Caretaker's Array are numerous. First, you essentially get an indestructible outpost. Though you can't dock with the Array as you would a true outpost, your opponent can't attack it and leave you no place to report your cards for duty.
Second, you get a "Headquarters" of sorts. Instead of a free card play each turn, however, you get to report a whole ship with crew as your normal card play. Even with the limit of three staffing icons and three cards aboard, this is a powerful reporting mechanism allowing decks based around the Delta Quadrant to keep pace with the Headquarters enjoyed by the existing affiliations.
Third, you get easy access to the Delta Quadrant. By either relocating from the Badlands (using either of the card's two functions) or reporting directly to the Array, everyone has equal access, from the Federation to the Klingons to the Cardassians to the Dominion to the Terran Empire to the Vidiians to the Kazon -- and everybody else in between. With several tempting missions available in Delta Quadrant, you may need no further prompting than this.
Caretaker's Array + U.S.S. Voyager: The Array also lets you seed there any one non-Borg ship native to the Delta Quadrant. Begin the game with Voyager at the Array, just as the series began. You can also seed Home Away From Home so you don't need to worry about drawing it early.