Hunting in the Delta Quadrant
by Michel Albert
Hello, you young hunters! I am Harkan, trainer of Hirogen.
Under my guidance, you will learn to understand your prey,
choose the most worthy prizes from its ranks, and track
it down and kill it efficiently. At first, you'll stick
to nearby hunting grounds, but familiarity breeds complacency.
There is worthy prey in these parts...
Rituals (preparation)
Obviously, the trio of hunting incidents will be required
here as much as anywhere, so Hirogen Hunt, Rituals of the
Hunt, and Relics of the Hunt should all be in evidence. Hirogen
Hunt can be seeded directly onto the table, or downloaded
later with the Hirogen Outpost. You'll find the Hirogen Talon
the weapon of choice in the Delta Quadrant despite its low
STRENGTH boost. Not only does it report for free (or directly
to a just-initiated battle), but it'll prove invaluable in
countering native strategies. Of course, this doesn't mean
the Hirogen Disruptor Rifle won't be useful, especially against
stronger prey.
Since many Hirogen missions require a certain amount of
WEAPONS, the Hunting Vessel, with its boostable attribute,
is recommended over the larger Venatic Hunter, but you'll
also have to use multiple ships to get the right results.
This is pretty easy given that you can convert card draws
into ship downloads with Hirogen Hunt anyway. Recommended
personnel include any and all Alpha-Hirogen, of course, plus
all other Anthropology personnel (those that know their
prey). Idrin has a relevant special download, and you should
make sure you include some Stellar Cartography if using Corner
Enemy Ship.
The Hunt (know your prey)
Kazon prey: The Kazon have a nasty tendency to board
your ships. A Boarding Pod in the side of your ship is but
an opportunity to kill and capture opposing personnel and
hang their heads on the wall. Wait for them to come to you,
then use the Talon on one of them to score points (usually
derived from its STRENGTH), and perhaps capture another using
Rituals of the Hunt/Hirogen Talon, which you can turn into
a trophy later if escorted by your Alpha-Hirogen. If things
go wrong and your prey manages to take over your ship, you'll
be glad you used a fleet of Hunting Vessels. Good targets
for Rituals of the Hunt include skill horses like Culluh,
Haron, and Loran, who would multiply much-needed ENGINEER
and MEDICAL skills.
Vidiian prey: They don't make very attractive trophies,
but like the Kazon, they do have a tendency to come aboard
your ships. Harvest my organs, will you? Does the head
count as an organ? With your hunters' superior STRENGTH, you
should easily be able to Talon the Vidiians into points (derived
from CUNNING this time) as they come down the boarding claw.
Be warned however, that STRENGTH has no bearing on their ability
to harvest organs. The best Vidiian prey is no doubt Sulan
(there's a surprising lack of MEDICAL in Vidiian skill boxes),
but Hirogen could really make use of all the Biology available.
Borg prey: Whether it's with the old Transport Drone
or the new-fangled Annexation Drone, the Collective has the
means to board your ships too, this time looking to assimilate
your hunters. They may be a very different affiliation, but
you should treat them the same as everyone else. Sure, the
universal drones will never yield more than 7 points apiece,
nor do they have impressive skill lists (outside of the few
unique Borg), but preying on the Queen with the purpose of
eliminating her is a worthy goal (plus, she's worth 12 points
on your wall).
Hirogen prey: Prey on your own people? Well, sometimes
they're the only game in the sector. The Hirogen are a dangerous
foe because they'll be trying to do to you what you have planned
for them. And again, you have an affiliation here with
the means to board your ship to get what it wants (via one
of Hirogen Hunt's effects). Target opposing Alpha-Hirogen
as prey, but use your multiple ships to keep your own targeted
Hirogen away from opposing hunters by hopping from ship to
Visiting prey: For the most part, these are Delta
Quadrant Federation personnel, though there will be Klingons
as well. The Feds make juicy targets because of their usually
high INTEGRITY or CUNNING, but you'll have to board them,
they won't board you. That's what the "plays on ship" function
of Hirogen Hunt is for. When targeting specific prey, skip
the mission specialists and go directly to someone like B'Elanna
Torres. She has ENGINEER/Physics skills that are very useful
in the Delta Quadrant and the Cybernetics necessary to nullify
Borg Servo. Lots of them have large skill lists. As for the
Klingons, they are so few that you might choose to pick on
their Non-Aligned support instead, weakening them and helping
yourself (Think Tank personnel are 10+ point trophies and
have nice skills).
The Chase (stalk your prey)
Access: Your hunters start out in the Delta Quadrant.
What could be simpler? Your Outpost can seed at various missions,
including the ones without affiliation icons for added flexibility.
Plasmadyne Relays may be the easiest way to boost your ships'
speed, though you could travel to the far ends of the spaceline
with a single ship using Quantum Slipstream Drive or by completing
Repair Null Space Catapult. The Gift would also work if you
brought the Voyager set's Kes to the hunting party.
Terrain: Delta Quadrant locations have generally
long Spans, which can work in your favor by keeping prey from
escaping your hunters, but you really have to be wary of those
fast opposing ships. This may indeed be incentive to use a
Venatic Hunter with its 9 RANGE instead of a host of smaller
vessels. Good missions to use are Ambush Ship and Corner Enemy
Ship, which have similar WEAPONS-based requirements, very
high Spans and high point values. Hunt Alien is a more conservative
mission uniquely suited to your Alpha-Hirogen, and Secure
Station is another WEAPONS-based mission, this time with a
very short Span if you'd rather use your RANGE with fewer
Relics (capture your prey... i.e. the other player)
In most cases, Delta Quadrant natives will come to you!
Prepare a nice corner for them on your wall and just wait
for them. If they're intimidated by your hunters and take
to attempting missions or completing objectives instead (or
if they are cowardly Federation intruders), turnabout is fair
play: Play Hirogen Hunt on your lead ship and beam to their
ships. A couple of missions like Ambush Ship and Corner Enemy
Ship not only fit well with the Hirogen theme, but are also
worth a lot of points. Completing both would supplement your
hunting activities very well. Completing only one would work
All right, hunters. You're ready to go out there. Stay
close and be patient. The next lesson will take you farther
out. Good hunting.
August 30, 2001