The Essential Guide to Decipher Promotional Cards
Beyond the standard sets...
Part of the fun of playing and collecting a customizable card game lies in the existence of promotional cards. Powerful, elusive, funny - promo cards are always different. And whether they're available only at a particular convention, through a limited special offer or in the folds of a specific magazine, such cards are always worth the extra effort required to get them. Indeed, for most collectors this is no effort at all - it's the pleasure of the hunt.
We submit to you a handy reference guide that identifies all the promotional cards that Decipher has released, and offers some insights into how to obtain these highly sought-after cards.
What is a promotional card? It's a card that was made available through means other than a normal release. A promo card usually doesn't appear on the "roster" of a standard product - not even special cards from products like Enhanced Cloud City, or the Seven of Nine preview card (preview or premium cards can be found in our normal card indexes for Star Wars™ CCG, Star Trek™ CCG, and Young Jedi CCG ). Such promotional cards occasionally show up through special channels or promotions, and can sometimes be difficult to obtain.
The most important thing you need to know as a collector is the identity of all the promotional cards out there and the means to obtain them. Let's look at the promo cards Decipher has released for its games.
Star Wars™ Customizable Card Game™ Promotional Cards:
• Corellian Corvette (foil)
• Imperial-Class Star Destroyer (foil)
Method of distribution to date: Giveaway at DecipherCon 2000 (Oct. 2000); 2000 State/Provincial/National Championship prize (Feb. 2001) - Only 1000 of these cards are planned to be released. At this time not all of these foils have been released, look for another offer on this card in the future.
• Imperial Barrier (foil)
Method of distribution to date: Distributor redemption (Jan. 2001) - Distributors were able to obtain these foils during a holiday 2000 redemption program. Only 500 of these foils are planned to be released. At this time not all of these foils have been released: look for another offer on this card in the future.
• Clash of Sabers (foil)
Method of distribution to date: Retailer redemption (Jan. 2001) - Retailers were able to obtain these foils during a holiday 2000 redemption program. At this time not all of these foils have been released: look for another offer on this card in the future.
• You Are Beaten (foil)
Method of distribution to date: Consumer redemption (Jan. 2001) - Consumers were able to obtain these foils during a holiday 2000 redemption program. At this time not all of these foils have been released: look for another offer on this card in the future.
• Battle Order (foil)
• Battle Plan (foil)
• A Few Maneuvers (foil)
• Dark Maneuvers (foil)
Method of distribution to date: Tournament prize (Oct. 2000 - Jan. 2001) - These foils were used as a special prize for the Death Star II Closed Environment tournaments that ran from October 2000 through the end of January 2001. At this time not all of these foils have been released: look for another offer on this card in the future.
• Masterful Move (foil) (Jan. 2001)
• The Signal (foil) (Jan. - Feb. 2001)
• Imperial Decree (foil) (Feb. - Mar. 2001)
• Alter (L) (foil) (Mar. - Apr. 2001)
Method of distribution to date: Tournament prize* - Each of these foils have been given away at sanctioned Star Wars Customizable Card Game tournaments. The cards are on a rotating schedule as prize support for the tournaments. When a card leaves the rotation, it is planned that it will eventually re-enter the rotation at a later date.
• Gold Leader In Gold 1
• Red Leader In Red 1
Method of distribution to date: Rebel Leader pack (1997 - 2001) - These cards were available by various methods: going to a Decipher-sponsored convention, demo event, or special tournaments, or through a mail-away offer on the web site. Decipher is currently very low on these promotional cards, but they are still obtainable by attending a Decipher-sponsored convention.
• Jedi Pack
Method of distribution to date: Sample card giveaway (1996 - 2001) - The Jedi Pack is a small pack of 11 cards that was a free giveaway at conventions and demo events that Decipher supported. They were also available through a mail-away offer on the Decipher web site. The cards included in this pack were:
Tedn Dahai
For Luck
Luke's T-16 Skyhopper
Dark Forces
Gravity Shadow
Hyperroute Navigation Chart
Decipher still has a small quantity of these packs left and you can obtain them at a convention or demo event that Decipher supports. Follow the link to obtain these cards from the ongoing mail-in offer:
Star Trek™ Customizable Card Game™ Promotional Cards:
• 34th Rule of Acquisition (foil)
Method of distribution to date: Giveaway at DecipherCon 2000 (Oct. 2000); 2000 State/Provincial/National Championship prize (Feb. 2001) - Only 1000 of these cards are planned to be released. At this time not all of these foils have been released: look for another offer on this card in the future.
• Kivas Fajo - Collector (foil)
Method of distribution to date: Distributor redemption (Jan. 2001) - Distributors were able to obtain these foils during a holiday 2000 redemption program. At this time not all of these foils have been released: look for another offer on this card in the future.
• Borg Cube (foil)
Method of distribution to date: Retailer redemption (Jan. 2001) - Retailers were able to obtain these foils during a holiday 2000 redemption program. At this time not all of these foils have been released: look for another offer on this card in the future.
• Soong-Type Android (foil)
Method of distribution to date: Consumer redemption (Jan. 2001) - Consumers were able to obtain these foils during a holiday 2000 redemption program. At this time not all of these foils have been released: look for another offer on this card in the future.
• Alternate Universe Door (foil)
• Bajoran Wormhole (foil)
Method of distribution to date: Tournament prize (Jan. 2001 - May. 2001) - These foils were used as a special prize for the Mirror Universe Closed Environment tournaments that ran from January 2001 through the middle of May 2001. At this time not all of these foils have been released: look for another offer on this card in the future.
• Tarellian Plague Ship (foil) (Jan. 2001)
• Q's Tent (foil) (Jan. - Feb. 2001)
• Dal'rok (foil) (Feb. - Mar. 2001)
• Plasma Torpedo (foil) (Mar. - Apr. 2001)
Method of distribution to date: Tournament prize* - These foils have been given away at sanctioned Star Trek Customizable Card Game tournaments. The cards are on a rotating schedule as prize support for the tournaments. When a card leaves the rotation it is planned that it will eventually re-enter the rotation at a later date.
• U.S.S. Jupiter
Method of distribution to date: "Star Trek Armada" video game insert (Mar. 2000); tournament prize (Nov. 2000) - First made available in the Activision video game "Star Trek Armada". This card was also available by playing in the Mirror, Mirror pre-release tournaments. At this time not all of these cards have been released, look for another offer on this card in the future.
• The Traveler
• The Emissary
Method of distribution to date: Away Team pack (1998 - 2001) - These cards were available by various methods: going to a Decipher-sponsored convention, demo event, or special tournament, or through a mail-away offer on the web site. Decipher is currently very low on these promotional cards, but they are still obtainable by attending a Decipher sponsored convention.
• Warp Pack
Method of distribution to date: Sample card give away (1996 - 2001) - The Warp Pack is a small pack of 12 cards that was a free giveaway at conventions and demo events that Decipher supported. They were also available through a mail-away offer on the Decipher web site. The cards included in this pack were:
Investigate Anomaly
Montgomery Scott
Neutral Outpost
Relief Mission
Sensitive Search
Study Plasma Streamer
Study Stellar Collision
Test Mission
Yellow Alert
Decipher still has a small quantity of these packs left and you can obtain them at a convention or demo event that Decipher supports. They are also available through a mail in offer. Follow the link to obtain these cards from the ongoing mail-in offer:
Young Jedi™ Collectible Card Game Promotional Cards:
• Captain Tarpals (MoDM) (foil)
Method of distribution to date: Giveaway at DecipherCon 2000 (Oct. 2000); 2000 State/Provincial/National Championship prize (Feb. 2001) - Only 1000 of these cards are planned to be released. At this time not all of these foils have been released: look for another offer on this card in the future.
• Open Fire! (foil)
Method of distribution to date: Distributor redemption (Jan. 2001) - Distributors were able to obtain these foils during a holiday 2000 redemption program. Only 500 of these foils are planned to be released. At this time not all of these foils have been released: look for another offer on this card in the future.
• Plo Koon (foil)
Method of distribution to date: Retailer redemption (Jan. 2001) - Retailers were able to obtain these foils during a holiday 2000 redemption program. At this time not all of these foils have been released: look for another offer on this card in the future.
• Anakin Skywalker (MoDM) (foil) (1000 points)
• Shmi Skywalker (1000 points)
• Counterparts (foil) (750 points)
• Sith Probe Droid (TJC) (foil) (750 points)
• Naboo: Theed Palace (L) (foil) (250 points)
• Naboo: Battle Plains (D) (foil) (250 points)
• Coruscant: Galactic Senate (D) (foil) (250 points)
• Coruscant: Jedi Council Chamber (L) (foil) (250 points)
• Tatooine: Podrace Arena (D) (foil) (250 points)
• Tatooine: Mos Espa (L) (foil) (250 points)
Method of distribution to date: Consumer redemption - Consumers were able to obtain these foils either during a holiday 2000 redemption program (Jan. 2001) or the ongoing Young Jedi points redemption for the Anakin Skywalker card. Each of these cards were available for different amounts of Young Jedi points. At this time not all of these foils have been released: look for other offers on these cards in the future.
• Adi Gallia (foil) (Jan. 2001)
• Trade Federation Tank Laser Cannon (MoDM) (foil) (Jan. - Feb. 2001)
• Guardians Of The Queen (foil) (Feb. - Mar. 2001)
• Opee Sea Killer (foil) (Mar. - Apr. 2001)
• Sebulba (MoDM) (foil) (Fall 1999 - Summer 2000)
Method of distribution to date: Tournament prize* - Each of these foils have been given away at sanctioned Young Jedi Collectible Card Game tournaments. All but the Sebulba foil are on the rotating schedule as prize support for the tournaments. When a card leaves the rotation it is planned that it will eventually re-enter the rotation at a later date. The Sebulba foil was the first card given away as prize support for Decipher tournaments, and is not currently part of the prize support rotation. At this time not all of the Sebulba foils have been released: look for another offer on this card in the future.
Jedi Knights™ Trading Card Game Promotional Cards:
• Darth Vader's Lightsaber (video insert)
Method of distribution to date: Star Wars video trilogy insert (November 2000) - In every copy of the Star Wars trilogy boxed set of videos that came out in November of 2000 was an exclusive Darth Vader's Lightsaber Jedi Knights card. This card looks like a modified Young Jedi card (see below).
• Darth Vader's Lightsaber (premium version of the left side steroscopic image)
Method of distribution to date: Not yet available - Since the card that was inserted into the Star Wars trilogy boxed set was made early in the design process of the game, it does not reflect the final gameplay mechanics and final look of the Jedi Knights cards. There is a send-in offer to replace the card inserted in the videos with a corrected version of the card. This card has the same gameplay as the version in the booster packs, but has a premium icon on the card and is the "left" version of a steroscopic pair.
* Here is some helpful background information that sheds light on the foil cards used in the tournament program and how the rotation schedule works. These tournament foils are cards given away at the different Decipher tournaments that are run for the Star Wars CCG, Star Trek CCG and Young Jedi CCG. Two cards are sent for each sanctioned tournament: the winner receives one of the cards and the other card is given away in a random drawing to one of the other players that finished the tournament.
These foils are being sent out to the tournaments on a rotating schedule. Here is how it works:
Month 1 = Foils A&B
Month 2 = Foils B&C
Month 3 = Foils C&D
Etc... until we reach the end of the rotation, where it would look like this:
Month ? = Foils K&A, and the rotation starts all over again.
Each month we will announce which foils are entering the foil rotation and which ones are exiting the foil rotation. It is planned that each foil will enter in again at some point. We have not announced which cards will be released into the rotation or how many there will be.
Kyle Heuer
Product Champion Coordinator
March 13, 2001