Major Rakal's Matching Commanders List
This list shows all the ships that currently (through Mirror, Mirror)
have matching commanders, arranged by ship affiliation. The last column
indicates whether the commander is identified by the ship (S) or personnel
(P) lore. For more information on matching commanders, see Romulan
Review #81.
Ship |
Matching Commanders |
Identifying Lore |
Bajoran |
Assault Vessel |
General Krim
Colonel Day |
S |
Bajoran Raider |
Kira Nerys |
S |
Bajoran Scout Vessel |
Tahna Los |
S |
any [univ] Bajoran ship |
Rinnak Pire |
(special skill) |
Borg |
Locutus' Borg Cube |
Locutus of Borg |
S |
Queen's Borg Cube |
Borg Queen |
S |
Queen's Borg Sphere |
Borg Queen |
S |
Cardassian |
Aldara |
Danar |
S, P |
Bok'Nor |
Boheeka |
S |
Cardassian Shuttle |
Natima Lang |
S |
Galor |
Ocett |
P |
Groumall |
Dukat |
S |
Kraxon |
Dolak |
P |
Naprem |
Dukat |
S |
Prakesh |
Dukat |
S, P |
Stolen Attack Ship |
Luaran |
S |
Trager |
Macet |
S |
Dominion |
Breen Warship |
Thot Gor |
S |
Karemman Vessel |
Hanok |
S |
Weyoun's Warship |
Weyoun |
S |
Federation |
Defiant |
Benjamin Sisko |
S |
Future Enterprise |
Admiral Riker |
S |
I.S.S. Enterprise |
First Officer Spock
James Tiberius Kirk |
p |
Rebel Interceptor |
Smiley |
S |
Starship Enterprise |
Captain Kirk |
S |
Type 18 Shuttlepod |
Benjamin Sisko |
S |
U.S.S. Bozeman |
Morgan Bateson |
S, P |
U.S.S. Defiant |
Benjamin Sisko
Worf [First Contact]
Kudak'Etan |
P |
U.S.S. Enterprise |
Jean-Luc Picard [Premiere]
Admiral Picard
Kavok |
P |
U.S.S. Enterprise-C |
Rachel Garrett |
S, P |
U.S.S. Enterprise-E |
Jean-Luc Picard [First Contact] |
P |
U.S.S. Jupiter |
Satelk |
S |
U.S.S. Odyssey |
Keogh |
S, P |
U.S.S. Pasteur |
Beverly Picard |
S, P |
U.S.S. Phoenix |
Benjamin Maxwell |
S, P |
U.S.S. Rio Grande |
Benjamin Sisko |
S |
U.S.S. Sao Paulo |
Benjamin Sisko
Admiral Ross |
S |
U.S.S. Stargazer |
Jean-Luc Picard [Premiere or First Contact] |
S |
U.S.S. Sutherland |
Data [Premiere or First Contact] |
S |
U.S.S. Thunderchild |
Fleet Admiral Shanthi |
S |
U.S.S. Yamato |
Donald Varley |
S, P |
U.S.S. Yangtzee Kiang |
Kira Nerys |
S |
Ferengi |
Brunt's Shuttle |
Brunt |
S |
Krayton |
Tog |
S |
Kreechta |
Bractor |
S, P |
Mirror Ferengi Shuttle |
Mr. Brunt |
S |
Quark's Treasure |
Gaila |
S |
Klingon |
I.K.C. Bortas |
Gowron |
S * |
I.K.C. Buruk |
Kavok |
P |
I.K.C. Chang |
Governor Worf |
S |
I.K.C. Gr'oth |
Captain Koloth
Koloth |
S |
I.K.C. Hegh'ta |
Kurn |
S |
I.K.C. K'Ratak |
Voktak |
P |
I.K.C. Koraga |
Worf Son of Mogh |
S |
I.K.C. Lukara |
Kang |
S |
I.K.C. Maht-H'a |
Nu'Daq |
S, P |
I.K.C. Negh'Var |
Martok |
S |
I.K.C. Ning'tao |
Kor |
S |
I.K.C. Pagh |
Kargan |
S, P |
I.K.C. Rotarran |
Martok |
S |
I.K.C. Toh'Kaht |
Hon'Tihl |
S, P |
Regency 1 |
Regent Worf |
S |
Non-Aligned |
Fesarius |
Balok |
S |
Flaxian Scout Vessel |
Retaya |
S |
Gomtuu |
Tam Elbrun |
S |
Jovis |
Kivas Fajo |
S |
Mercenary Ship |
Baran |
S, P |
Mondor |
Grebnedlog |
S |
Phoenix |
Zefram Cochrane |
S |
Tama |
Dathon |
S ** |
Vulcan Lander |
Solkar |
S |
Romulan |
Apnex |
Mirok |
S |
Battle Cruiser |
Commander Charvanek |
S |
Cha'Joh |
Sisters of Duras |
S |
D'deridex |
Tomalak |
P |
Decius |
Ambassador Tomalak |
P |
Devoras |
Mendak |
S, P |
Gal Gath'thong |
Keras |
S |
Goraxus |
Sela |
S |
Haakona |
Taris |
P |
Khazara |
Toreth |
P |
Romulan Shuttle |
Senator Vreenak |
S |
Pi |
Patahk |
P |
Terix |
Sirol |
S, P |
* I.K.C. Bortas: "Gowron's flagship" means "flagship commanded by Gowron."
** Tama: "Dathon, speaking first" is Tamarian for "commanded by Dathon."