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Council of Warriors
By Evan Lorentz

Since the original release of the Star Trek CCG in 1994, the thing Klingon players asked for more than anything else was a way to score points for battle. Klingon Civil War, from Q-Continuum, provided a limited answer to the demand. Here is rest of the story.

Once in your point area, Council of Warriors lets you score points for all ships you destroy in battle and all personnel your Klingons kill -- but you have to earn that benefit. First, you must complete a mission you have not yet attempted or Scanned, and you'll have only two turns in which to do it. Furthermore, only a select group of missions qualify, and you cannot play any non-Klingon personnel before you do it.

To give yourself the best possible chance of pulling off this objective, be sure to include more than one location you can target with it. Expose Covert Supply (the Klingon homeworld of Qo'noS) is a natural, since you'll probably want to use The Great Hall in most Klingon battle decks. Study Pulsar and Bat'leth Tournament also make tempting possibilities, as both are universal and thus may be used in multiple.

Even though Council of Warriors is not an easy proposition, the benefits prove well worth the effort. Cowardice is not the way of the warrior.

Council of Warriors + Bat'leth Tournament: This universal mission's point box is low enough to be targeted by Council of Warriors, but you can easily get more than 25 points out of it with a mission specialist or the Sword of Kahless.
Council of Warriors + Preparation: You can still get away with this limited form of "scanning" a dilemma at the mission you intend to target -- and in some cases, seeing the first dilemma in a combo is all you need to guess what will come next.
Council of Warriors + Klingon Civil War: If you come up against a Klingon opponent, you can score two bonuses for destroying just one ship!

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