An Introduction to ST:CCG
Article #1:Finding cards

This is the first of a three part series on learning to play the game. This article deals with finding cards, what you should pay for them, what to buy as a beginner, and discovering resources to help you find out more about the ST: CCG.

Where can I buy cards?

Basically, there are two ways to buy cards. You can buy them at a comic book store, or you can mail order them. Most mail order companies let you order over the internet, as well as through mail.

Comic book shops are typically more expensive than buying through the mail, but they have an added bonus, besides instant gratification. They are a great way to meet other players, but I’ll discuss meeting players in a later article. For the moment, you want to know how to find them.

If you live in a major city, pick up your phone book and look under “Comics”. Give a few shops a call and see if they carry ST:CCG, or just simply Star Trek: the Customizable Card Game. If they do, ask if they carry “singles”, that is, do they sell individual cards.   For the moment, just buy packs, but the best stores carry singles, so it’s nice to know.

If you don’t live in or near a major city, you probably won’t have much luck finding a store that carries them. Don’t even bother looking for cards at a Walmart or a Target, they don’t carry such things. Ordering through the mail is typically cheaper in the long run (30 to 45 percent cheaper), but requires you to initially spend much more. While you can buy a single pack at a Comic shop, mail order requires you to buy a whole box (approx. 30 packs, it varies on the expansion).

You can find lists of retailers by picking up a Scrye, a magazine devoted to CCG’s. This happens to be my favorite, and, IMHO, the most ST oriented of the lot. It has price guides for cards, and a plethora of ads featuring card retailers. You can find one at a major Bookstore. A favorite place of mine to order cards from is, but you may find someplace you like better.
// Editor's Note - We would like to recommend our sponser, Bot's Barber Shop - check him out, he has some of the lowest prices around!

What cards should I buy?

Decipher, the company that creates the cards, has several different ST:CCG products out there. It can get a little confusing to decide what to purchase first, and frankly, some things aren’t very good to purchase if you’re just learning the game. I’ll list all the products, and rate them based on what will help you as a beginner most.

There are two types of products, Expansions, and special sets. Expansions are about 130 cards, and are sold in packs of 9 or 15.Special sets are a group of premium cards usually found nowhere else, packaged with several packs.  Two expansions to date offer an enhanced pack of cards called a starter. Starters have 60 cards, they include a rule book, and run about  $8-$10.

There are three types of rarity, Rare, Uncommon, and Common. Packs always have 1 rare and 3 uncommons, depending on the expansion, they either have 5 commons or 11 commons. Starters have 2 rares, 13 uncommon, and 45 commons.

Here’s a listing of all the products and their beginner rating in stars (*)

Premiere expansion- 363 cards    (*) (*) (*) (*)
Packs - 15 cards, Avrg. price: $1.50-$2.50
Starter – 60 cards,  Avrg. price: $5-$10

Focuses on the Federation, Romulans, and Klingons. Many useful cards, but the rulebook included in the starter is outdated and confusing.

Alternate Universe expansion-121 cards  (*) (*)
Packs – 15 cards, Avrg. price $2.00-$3.00

Several useful rares, but the commons are mostly worthless. Buy this at a later time.

Q Continuim expansion-121 cards  (*) (*)
Packs – 15 cards, Avrg. price $2.00-$3.00

Many of the commons are extremely useful, but wait to buy this expansion.

First Contact expansion- 130 cards  (*) (*) (*)
Packs – 9 cards, Avrg. price $2.00-$250

Great cards, but the bulk of commons focus on the Borg, which are hard to play, and definitely not for beginners. Wait.

Deep Space Nine expansion – 276 cards (*) (*) (*) (*) (*)
Packs – 9 cards, Avrg. price $2.00-$2.50
Starter – 60 cards,  Avrg. price $10

Great cards, revised rulebook in the starters. Good buy for beginners.

Sealed Deck- 4 packs of Premiere, one pack of AU, 20 premium cards. (*) (*) (*) (*) (*)
Avrg. price- $15-$20

Playable right out of the box.  no rules, however.

First Anthology-  (*) (*) (*) (*)
2 Premiere starters, 2 AU packs, 2 Premiere packs, 2 QC packs, 6 premium cards.
Avrg. price $20-$30

Good buy. A little expensive, but the premiums are worth it.

Two Player game- Enough cards for two people to play. (*) (*) (*)
Avrg. price $25-$30

A good idea, but overpriced. I’d buy other stuff.

Fajo Collection- 18 exclusive premium cards –extra high print quality (*)
Price -$80

Awesome cards, but extremely expensive. Buy this if you are a really dedicated player.

 That’s the cards. Buy some, read the rules, get aquatinted with the cards. Next article will feature learning how to play the game.

Decipher’s website is a good place to go to learn more about the game. You can download the rules from here.

Talon  Karrde