Tomalak of Borg
by Evan LorentzIn one of an infinite number of parallel universes, Tomalak was assimilated by the Borg. Now you can cross him over into our universe and use him in your deck. While he may not have as many regular skills as some of the other counterparts do, he has the ones that count: OFFICER, Diplomacy, and Leadership, all three of which are unavailable on any Borg drone, but called for by many dilemmas. Add to that his status as a counterpart against the Romulans, and you're ready to go after Romulus itself.
And then there is Tomalak of Borg's other special skill, which is truly special. The moment he enters play, all your ships gain Cloaking Devices for the rest of the game! It may not seem like the Borg's style, but it's a nice safety net to have... your opponent will have a hard time beaming aboard your ships to attack your personnel and stop your probing if they can't find them half the time.
Tomalak of Borg + Engage Cloak + Eliminate Starship: The "enforcer" Cube strategy to use A Change of Plans to Eliminate any Starship that strays too far from its facility just got a whole lot meaner.
Tomalak of Borg + Borg Scout Vessel: The main weakness of a strategy based on the Borg Scout Vessel has always been their low SHIELDS and WEAPONS. But now all you have to do is throw down Tomalak of Borg as early as possible. Even if he dies later, your Scout Vessels can still hide from players hunting 5 point bounties using their brand new Cloaking Devices.