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Sphere Encounter
by Evan Lorentz

Sick of having your opponent collect free points from your space missions after you've scouted away all the dilemmas? Never again. Sphere Encounter, perhaps the nastiest Hidden Agenda in the Borg arsenal, will protect your missions from thieves with the ultimate Borg download. If they try it, you may download any spheres, personnel and equipment in your entire deck (or hand, Q's Tent and Zalkonian Storage Capsule). Any and all of them. Just be sure you leave enough good cards to probe with!

Of course, you could play this card hundreds of times and never have any opponent try foolishly to steal your missions. Fortunately, the card has another use not related to your opponent's actions. While in play, all of your Borg spheres have RANGE +4. That brings them up to speed with Borg Cubes. Now Borg players have a third option for a ship around which to base a viable deck.


Sphere Encounter + Tactical Drones + Guard Drones: Two or three of these drones as part of the download, and you'll really be able to stick it to your opponent.

Sphere Encounter + Samaritan Snare: Pity the Federation player forced to attempt your Samaritan Snare. A Hail interrupt might help make it happen.

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