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Six of Nineteen
by Evan Lorentz

The Reassimilation Drone (Six of Nineteen) is the newest answer to those opponents who endlessly delay your probing with single Rogue Borg Mercenaries. Now you can take those Rogues and convert them into more resources for yourself by downloading a universal drone to replace one before they initiate battle. As a bonus, you get a new source of Exobiology (previously available only on the Countermeasure Drone) and a special download of Intruder Alert.


Reassimilation Drone + Space-Time Portal + Scorched Hand: If your opponent's persistent Rogue Borg-ing is threatening to make you download all your good probe cards, load some of those extra Borg personnel onto a ship and pull it back to your hand. You can then Scorch the good probes back into your deck if it's running low, or simply download them from your hand again as needed.

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