card extra

by Evan Lorentz

Now you can use one of the most disturbing images from First Contact to make your opponent cringe. In a twist on typical resource deprivation cards, the goal here is to keep your opponent's hand full of cards -- but take their best ones away. The larger their hand, the longer it will take them to recover. Even if they do nullify the Nightmare, you choose one card they won't get back.

The key to using the card effectively is in choosing what to take away. While you could simply choose to store your opponent's high-powered cards, you may instead wish to focus on a specific card type. For example, your opponent will be hard-pressed to score points if you take away all their ships. They won't be able to pass your Hippocratic Oaths if you take away all their MEDICAL. There are literally as many possibilities as there are cards in the game.

Though primarily a Borg affiliation card, a non-Borg player may also use Nightmare if they have a Borg Ship dilemma on the spaceline at the moment they play it. But the Nightmare may linger long after the ship is gone...


Nightmare + The Traveler: Transcendence (on your opponent): Every turn, your opponent will draw an extra card to match the one you must choose to store, preventing them from shrinking their hand enough to recover. You can potentially deprive them of half their deck!

Nightmare + Kivas Fajo: Collector (on your opponent): Similar to the above, but your opponent can't use Q's Tents or station downloads to try to get their hand size down.

Nightmare + Dixon Hill's Business Card: If you take away your opponent's universal personnel (and holograms), they won't be able to play anyone at all!

Nightmare + Scorched Hand: If your opponent does manage to nullify the Nightmare and retrieve their cards, you can Scorch them back to the draw deck so they still won't get to play them.

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