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Eleven of Seventeen
by Evan Lorentz

If Computer Crash has been setting back your Borg strategy, the Complink Drone (Eleven of Seventeen) is the answer to your problem. It may be seeded at your Borg Outpost, nullifying any and all Computer Crash cards the moment they are revealed. Cube-based decks, far more reliant on downloading than Scout Vessel strategies, have been restored to their pre-Deep Space Nine effectiveness. Retask can again become a central element of your strategy.

The Complink is worth far more than its special skills, however. The ability to seed any Borg personnel puts you that much closer to staffing a Borg Cube and leaving the Delta Quadrant. The fact that this Borg has two highly valuable skills makes it even more potent. SCIENCE is called for on a huge number of dilemmas; you shouldn't be scouting missions without it. Computer Skill is also called for on its share of dilemmas, and is required for the Assimilate Starship objective.


Eleven of Seventeen + Borg Scout Vessel + Space-Time Portal: You can still make use of Computer Crash in your Borg decks. After you've downloaded enough to get rolling, report a Borg Scout Vessel, load the Complink Drone aboard it, and pull it back to your hand with Space-Time Portal. You can then reveal your Crashes without having them immediately nullified.

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