Bareil of Borg
by Evan LorentzWorf once visited a parallel universe where the Bajorans were the greatest threat to the Federation. Perhaps not far off from that reality comes Bareil of Borg, from a universe where the Bajoran was made a counterpart of the Borg. Like other counterparts, he has the valuable skill of Diplomacy to assist with Shaka When the Walls Fell, Strict Dress Code, and other dilemmas. He's a ready-made counterpart for the Bajorans, complete with all the benefits that normally provides.
Bareil's remaining skills are rather different than the typical counterpart, however. He has Anthropology, a skill formerly available only on the Unity Drone. His Biology supplements that on the Bio-Med Drone with a back-up not vulnerable to Fightin' Words. His SCIENCE is a skill you'll always want a true second source of in a hive, above and beyond skill sharing by an Interlink Drone. And it's all topped off with Honor and V.I.P.
Bareil of Borg + Assimilate Homeworld: Both Bajoran and Cardassian players frequently use Alter Records, giving you a target for the highest-point Borg objective. (Or just throw it in your own deck.)