>>The Car. and Rom. are two seperate away teams. They would not be able to attempt,battle or solve the mission as a joint effort. However, as two seperate battles your opponent may split his/her away team up to battle both of your away teams. They would be seperate battles and handled seperately.
>This is pretty close to what would happen, but it should be noted that an Away Team can't simply be 'split' for battle. He could beam down one Away Team, and attack one of the opposing groups; that team would be stopped, and he could beam down a second team to attack the other group (or even the first group).
Um, yes, you can split up Away Teams freely on a planet. You do not have to beam these two groups down separately. Beam down all of them, split into two groups, and one group attacks one of the opponent's Away Teams. The other group can then do whatever they want when the first battle is over.
What you *can't* do is attack part of one of your opponent's Away teams (i.e., you can't split the opponent's single AT so as to attack only the ones you want, *and* he can't split them up when you attack him, except with Prepare Aassault Teams).
>Note that all compatible cards present with each other 'unstop' together; thus, on the opponent's turn, the attacking teams above merge into one team (which the opponent would have to attack en masse, should he choose to).
This much is correct.
>If that team's owner wished to make a double-pronged attack as before on his turn, he'd have to beam up some of the team, let the rest attack one group, then have the others beam back down and attack the other group.
No, sorry, this is not correct.
Jolan tru,
Major Rakal
(Kathy McCracken)
Star Trek CCG Intelligence Officer and Tal Shiar Agent
DECIPHER INC. The Art of Great Games (tm)
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