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Re: Conceeding ... ... Major Rakal ... [3/ 5/99 20:44]
>Among my gaming group, concessions happen all the time.
>Not just in this game, but in all games from Babylon 5 to Star Wars.
>In Star Trek, concessions generally happen if you loose the majority of your crew and are currently behind. Or you can't cure the Aphasia Device that has everyone. Or some other devastating event.
>I was wondering if you think that this is unsporting. I recently tried to concede to someone I was playing for the first time after having 14 of my 16 personnel get blown up by a Borg Ship dilemma. He goit a bit stressed at the idea of me conceeding, so I played on. But it seemed rather pointless to me, and inevitably he won. But in my opinion this result was obvious, particularly as he was already in the lead, and the time could have been better spent setting up a new game.
>Comments anyone?

In STCCG tournament play, conceding a game is not considered to be a strategic option, because it means withdrawing from the match and quitting the tournament--you may not continue if you do this. Your opponent's score is raised to 100 (or 140 if that is the current "winning condition" due to an unsolved Q's Planet), and the differential is based on that plus your score at the time.

I believe the reason for making this a "quit" instead of just allowing you to concede and then play again is to prevent people "throwing" games easily to advance a friend in a tournament.

Of course, in friendly play you can work it any way you want to, and I would see no reason not to concede if both players agree under those conditions.

Jolan tru,

Major Rakal
(Kathy McCracken)

Star Trek CCG Intelligence Officer and Tal Shiar Agent

DECIPHER INC. The Art of Great Games (tm)
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