Time To Reconsider
by Kathy McCracken
When you hit a "non-stopping" dilemma like "Pup" or Isolinear Puzzle, and get that sinking feeling that Abandon Ship! is next up, it's time to consider playing Time To Reconsider. It "stops" your ship and crew so you can abort the mission attempt, probably saving you from imminent death and destruction. Or, play it on your opponent's turn, just after you battled him on your turn, but before he can initiate a counter-attack against you. The fact that your ship is "stopped" will be fairly irrelevant (you can't use it on your opponent's turn anyway), but he loses the chance to counter-attack.
Time To Reconsider + Distortion of Space/Time Continuum: Once the mission attempt is aborted, "unstop" the ship and leave for a safer spot.