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Terok Nor
by Kathy McCracken

The symbol of the Bajoran occupation can enhance your Cardassian deck in any number of ways. You get all the advantages that the Bajorans get with Deep Space 9, such as the Ops-enabled downloads and filing mission reports, plus the ability to "process ore."

Since Deep Space 9 is a version of the "Terok Nor" persona, and seeds during the dilemma phase--while Terok Nor has to wait until the facility phase, and both are "not duplicatable"--your Bajoran opponent may beat you to the punch and eliminate your chance to seed your own station. But all is not lost, because you may seed your own sites on his Deep Space 9, including Garak's Tailor Shop, which will still allow you to report most of your personnel, including the means to commandeer the station for your full use.

Terok Nor + Ore Processing Unit + Process Ore: Improve your hand and selectively recycle your discards. Better than Regenerate because the unusable cards can be put out of play.

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