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by Kathy McCracken

Another new Romulan V.I.P., good for Diplomatic Conference or Establish Relations, with a valuable mix of skills. Romulans have always lacked SECURITY personnel who were good for much else (other than Telak's prized Tal Shiar skill). Now Ruwan can provide you with SECURITY, plus a Diplomacy for many missions and dilemmas as well as Q-Nets, and a hard-to-come-by Anthropology for Primitive Culture and New Contact. His skills also enable him to lead boarding parties in two ways--Extradition or Open Diplomatic Relations. Other than his shaky INTEGRITY of 4, a well-rounded addition to any Romulan deck.

Ruwon + Major Rakal + any Leadership + New Contact: This 40-point mission was often out of reach for Romulans for lack of good Anthropology personnel. Time to reconsider.

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