Risky Business
by Kathy McCracken
If you need a reason to avoid redshirting, here's a good one. A single personnel dies, and you can't even get around it with a hologram--he gets erased. But even then it's not over; the dilemma returns under the mission, forcing you to bring in a larger team. When you do, make sure you didn't leave any one-person crews or Away Teams anywhere, because this time around the second part of the dilemma will kick in; you can choose to let them die, or lose 5 points. Use the dilemma in your Q-Continuum, or seed it under a mission using Beware of Q.
Impose Order + Risky Business at a different mission: You thought it was safe to leave a single personnel at Impose Order to guard your points?
Risky Business + Deliver Supplies: If all you left on the ship was that Transporter Skill, say goodbye to your mission attempt.