card extra

Renewal Scroll
by Kathy McCracken

For the price of a card play, you can rid of "dead wood" in your hand, replace it with (hopefully) something better and pick up a couple of extra cards along the way. For anyone playing the Bajoran affiliation, this one is easy--after a minimal number of turns you're almost certain to have three Bajorans in play. But even the Federation can use this card, by playing Ro Laren and a couple of universal Sito Jaxas; Bajoran species counts as well as affiliation.

Bajoran Civil War x2 + Renewal Scroll: Download your SECURITY Sito Jaxas to enable your Renewal Scrolls.

Renewal Scroll + Heisenberg Compensators: If your top card is no better than what you have in your hand, you may want to hold off onplaying that renewal Scroll.

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