Refuse Immigration
by Kathy McCracken
While the first set of requirements for this mission may seem more difficult to achieve (there are only three Vedeks, two of them rare), it's the second set that actually can be more of a problem. Just as the skills to solve a mission must come from the single crew or Away Team attempting it, the WEAPONS>10 must belong to the single ship form which you are attempting the mission. Since only the Borg have ships with WEAPONS that powerful, and the highest Bajoran WEAPONS are 7, you'll have to do a bit of manipulating to be able to solve this one. Captain's Log, Data's Head and Bynars Weapons Enhancement will all help; the latter is cumulative, and will help all your ships, so it may be your best bet. And yes, that INTEGRITY requirement is less than 30, not greater than.
Refuse Immigration + Husnock Ship + Bynars Weapons Enhancement: The easiest way for Bajorans to get WEAPONS>10.
Refuse Immigration + Isolinear Puzzle: And you thought two Bynars was enough to get you through the mission.
Refuse Immigration + Lack of Preparation + Misguided Activist + Conundrum: If you pass Lack of Preparation with the first set of requirements, the Misguided Activist may get your Vedek; if you pass it for the second set, you're guaranteed to fail Conundrum.