by Evan Lorentz
Arguably the most valuable of all sites, Ops certainly does give you more flexibility in reporting than any other. Only OFFICER-classification personnel can report here, but you can use the game text here to download any matching personnel to another unopposed site on the station. You didn't draw Odo? No problem, download him to the Security Office of Deep Space 9? Need Enabran Tain? Download him to the Guest Quarters of a Nor. Beware, power like that comes with a price... Ops is the place where your opponent can commandeer your station. Be prepared to defend against that if necessary.
Automated Security System + Ops + Nor: Your Cardassians sure won't mind a little extra security. An opponent trying to commandeer your station will have a different opinion.
Ops + Infirmary + Science Lab + Security Office + Ore Processing Unit: All the major personnel types you'll need to overcome the most difficult dilemmas are just a download away.