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Misguided Activist
by Kathy McCracken

Another filter dilemma to "stop" or even kill one of your most important people, while forcing the rest to go on without them. Most V.I.P.'s are in your Away Team to provide a crucial skill, such as Empathy (9 out of 12 empaths are V.I.P.'s), or because they are excellent personnel all around (Mogh, Spock, Kai Opaka). And most of the best personnel who aren't V.I.P.'s have command stars (Dukat, Jean-Luc Picard, Jadzia Dax). Here's your chance to put one of them out of action just when they're needed most.

Misguided Activist + Cardassian Trap: Stop (or kill) the empath, lose another unique to the trap.

Shaka, When The Walls Fell + Misguided Activist: With few exceptions (notably, the Enterprise-E officers), you'll be sure to have someone set up for the kill.

Lack of Preparation + Misguided Activist + Diplomatic Conference: Unless you're overloaded with "off-affiliation" V.I.P.'s, there's a good chance you'll lose one that you can't replace.

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