card extra

by Evan Lorentz

The Ferengi affiliation hasn't yet fully arrived on the scene. Until then, Greed remains a relatively uncommon skill, making Lockbox a great stopping dilemma against the average Away Team. Anything to leave an Away Team stuck on a planet, vulnerable for an Away Team battle strategy, or perhaps even nastier tactics. You can also, of course, seed Lockbox under your own missions and go in with Greed to secure some extra points. Seed it early so you can encounter it last. You want to be sure you'll be able to solve the mission on the turn you encounter it.

Lockbox + Destroy Radioactive Garbage Scow: On the turn after Lockbox stops your opponent's Team, you can trigger a Garbage Scow at one of your nearby missions and tow it over. Destroy it to kill off the entire Away Team, and take your opponent's mission down 10 points in the process!

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