Klaestron Outpost
by Kathy McCracken
The first dual-affiliation outpost gives you a perfect excuse to start the game with two seeded outposts for your Federation deck, without the Neutral Outpost's restrictions to space-only locations and no repairs. Now you can seed one Federation Outpost (because you are playing Federation) and one Klaestron Outpost (because you are playing Federation *and* Cardassian). True, you need at least one Cardassian personnel in your deck to do this--so use [AU] Garak. His Cardassian icon lets you seed this outpost, while his Non-Aligned icon lets you use him with your Federation personnel (and he doesn't even have to report as Cardassian). Like any dual-affiliation card, you declare its affiliation when you seed or play it, and it must match one affiliation icon on the mission where you seed it. Afterwards, switch affiliations as a game action whenever you feel the need.
Klaestron Outpost + Garak: No-fuss extra outpost seed for any Federation deck. Klaestron Outpost + Major Rakal: Play a Romulan/Cardassian Treaty deck and seed three outposts (use the Major's Federation icon to get the Klaestron). Great protection against Sheliak outpost destruction.