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HQ: Secure Homeworld
by Evan Lorentz

Homeworlds continue to evolve with this objective that allows a homeworld's native affiliation to attempt the mission. Suddenly, Earth becomes a dangerously easy mission for a big 40 points (or even as many as 60 with the right Mission Specialists and some Reflection Therapy)! The Klingons now have a simple 30-point mission with requirements that fit right into a battle deck. The Bajorans can actually go after all the missions in the Bajor Region (to get maximum use out of the Bajoran Interceptor). Cardassians can win both quick points and multiple artifacts out of their homeworld, and Romulans get another good Treachery mission to blend in with that well-established theme. There's something for everyone!


HQ: Secure Homeworld + self-seeded Arms Deal: If you can stop your opponent at your homeworld just after they've cleared out the last of the dilemmas for you, you can use this HQ objective to quickly capture the whole Team!


HQ: Secure Homeworld
by Kathy McCracken

This objective removes one of the prime obstacles to including your homeworld in your deck--the fact that you can't attempt your homeworld mission without an Espionage card. But it's still a card, you say--why not just use the Espionage?

To begin with, espionage isn't even an option (ironically) for Earth's Espionage Mission, worth an enviable 40 points (the mission has no affiliation icons at all), or for Qo'noS's Expose Covert Supply (there are no Espionage: XXX on Romulan cards).

Even more important, the normal requirements for a homeworld mission range from inconvenient to almost impossible for the homeworld's affiliation. Romulus wants Honor, Qo'noS requires Treachery x3, and Earth needs any one of five requirements that are noticeably lacking in the Federation. The missions at Bajor and Cardassia Prime are similarly difficult for Bajorans and Cardassians, respectively, to solve.

But HQ: Secure Homeworld sweeps away all those impossible requirements and replaces them with ones that anyone can muster: Leadership x2 + SECURITY + (Honor OR Treachery) + a fair amount of one attribute of your choice. Select Honor or Treachery as befits your affiliation, INTEGRITY for the Feds, CUNNING for the Romulans, and so on.

Those homeworlds are looking more tempting all the time.

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