Establish Landing Protocols
by Kathy McCrackenEver since Engage Shuttle Operations left out runabouts, we've been looking for a way to land those little ships that "resemble a large shuttle," especially with the advent of the [univ] Planet mission, requiring a landed ship, and the defense a landed ship provides against a Patrol Neutral Zone deck. Establish Landing Protocols does it. While it doesn't let the ships be carried aboard a mothership, it also uses only 1 RANGE to land or take off, instead of all of it, and it works for any ship with no staffing requirements, including the Romulan Science Vessel.
Captain's Order status lets you download it with Ready Room Door, or you can get it along with an appropriate ship with Hidden Fighter.
Establish Landing Protocols + [univ] Planet + Cha'Joh + Sisters of Duras: Easy 20 points when you have to replace a duplicated planet mission.
Establish Landing Protocols + Hidden Fighter: Stranded by a Love Interest? Download a rescue ship that anyone can fly, and the means for it to take off.