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Enabran Tain
by Evan Lorentz

It's the Cardassian's main man himself... at least, the main man of the Obsidian Order, and we all know the Obsidian Order IS Cardassia. Enabran Tain has something for every strategy. For those attempting missions, his SECURITY skill will help you overcome dilemmas. People trying attack strategies will be able to use Tain's Leadership and Command icon aboard one of the strike vessels. Airlock fans will love the combination of Treachery and Computer Skill -- on a personnel with 9 CUNNING! And of course, there is his skill of Obsidian Order... in multiple. He's your man for homeworlds, able to complete an Espionage Mission at Earth, and virtually all you need to Alter Records on Bajor. He even has almost all the skills you need to complete HQ: Secure Homeworld back on Cardassia Prime!

Enabran Tain + Primitive Culture: Tain can cut right to the chase with the primitives, making this the perfect seed to put under your opponent's missions in a mission stealing strategy -- or to block your own missions from your opponent's thieving attempts.

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