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Characterize Neutrino Emissions
by Kathy McCracken

This mission will fit well into any space-oriented deck, allowing you more uses of your "space" skills like Navigation and Astrophysics, while still giving you access to several powerful Orb artifacts. It overrides two of the normal artifact seeding restrictions--planet missions only, and one artifact per mission (but you still can't seed duplicates)--so with one mission you can acquire the ability to check your top draw deck card each turn, protect yourself from Dal'Roks or play them as events, and relocate a personnel from a tight situation.

Characterize Neutrino Emissions + HQ: Return Orb to Bajor: You don't even have to complete the mission to earn your Orbs.

Characterize Neutrino Emissions + Espionage: Romulan on Cardassian + Mirok + Galen: Looks like a "green" mission to me.

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