Bareil Antos
by Evan Lorentz
No matter what kind of Bajoran deck you're building, Bareil Antos can probably add something to it. He's a dual personnel-type, providing V.I.P. for a stay in the Guest Quarters or SCIENCE against many challenging dilemmas. Biology will help against Rascals, Flaxian Assassin, or Aphasia Device. Anthropology will help you communicate with the Primitive Culture, or overcome None Shall Pass. Diplomacy (in multiple) is required by still more dilemmas, and for passing Q-Nets. And all of those skills, plus his Honor, show up regularly on many Bajoran missions. Don't forget, he's also a Vedek for Refuse Immigration, and has an Orb icon for Orb Negotiations and use of the Orb Experience interrupt.
Bareil Antos + Characterize Neutrino Emissions + Refuse Immigration + Relocate Settlers: 100 points' worth of Bajor Region missions, and Bareil helps complete all of them.